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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Remember when Matt sued and claimed he co-wrote Say It Aint So and all of Pinkerton? I wonder how true that claim is.
  2. All those Blue songs were worked out "in the garage" with Rivers, Matt, Pat, and their original guitarist, Jason. But I think Matt had a large part to do with Weezer just by being their, the chemistry, you know? That and I think his bass playing was perfect for Weezer.... but maybe some tastey moog lines could be exactly what Weezer needs. Also I want Matt back with Weezer so he can stop releasing terrible Rentals songs and spare their legacy.
  3. The song is ok... Weezer was my first favourite band, so I'll probably listen to the album a few times. Don't like the album title. Don't like the way Rivers has sung since the Christmas EP in 2001. I do like that album cover though, it is, in fact, RAD. Weezer needs to bring back Matt Sharp. If they don't want to replace their bass player then give him a moog. Just get him in there. But then again, I'm probably more of a Rentals fan so maybe I'm biased. (Though the new Rentals music is truly awful).
  4. Charlie?! Eko?!?! FARADAY?!?! ARE ALL MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS COMING BACK?! I hope so!!!
  5. Honestly, and maybe some people will argue with me on this... but unless you have a very, very expensive listening room, I doubt 99% of the population can tell the difference between 320 kbps MP3 and FLAC. Especially considering most iPods will be listened to in the car when you have a lot of other noise or in the house when the wife is cooking dinner and the kids are running around.
  6. That's weird, I've never even heard of The Wiggles before but they're also coming here next month and their commercial airs on television every 2 minutes. If I see it one more time........
  7. I have a CD rip from years ago, from where I can not remember, unless I got a strange stereo version from somewhere? It doesn't sound to be ripped from vinyl. Weird.
  8. So... everything I read says "the first four records are making their debut in stereo" which would mean... Please Please Me, With The Beatles, A Hard Day's Night, and Beatles for Sale. That can't be true, can it? PPM to AHDN, maybe, but I'm listening to "No Reply" right now and that sure sounds stereo to me. Anyways, finally got my downloads of the stereo and mono box sets done. Converting the files myself to 360 kbps MP3 for iPod/iTunes use. Paul's bass playing has always been some of my favorite. He's really good at doing very interesting stuff but it never sticks out in a "wow that bass
  9. I found a torrent, on a very popular, public, torrent site for the mono box! However..... ETA: 20d 09hr
  10. The problem with living in a small, northern Canadian town is I'll have to wait for a DVD release Let's hope I don't have to wait long!!
  11. Let me know if you guys find out anything. I had a waffles account but I guess it got deactivated. I know the stereo version is available in flac and mp3 at 2 of the 3 most commonly used open-bit torrent sites but the mono is nowhere to be found.
  12. Maybe I'm biased. You know how sometimes a record just speaks to you? That's how Let Me Go is with me. Now that I'm super depressed or anything!!
  13. I'm a big Molina fan. Get the new record, Josephine and track down a copy of The Lioness. Nashville Moon is also really good, very country rock (if you couldn't tell by that title!). Two records you might not hear about are "Mi Sei Apparso Come Un Fantasma" (translates to You Appeared To Me As A Ghost), which is a live record but with mostly exclusive songs... as all as "The Black Ram", which was released with Nashville Moon but sounds a lot like a Songs: Ohia record, even though it was released under Magnolia Electric Co. Once you absorb all that you're ready to graduate onto "Let Me Go, Let
  14. DUDES, CAMPS BEGIN NEXT WEEK!!!!! LULZ I'm not too worried about the Hawks this year. You're only as good as your goaltender and well....
  15. Just got this last week. Most of my instruments have been on the lower side of the pricing structure due to being a student. Now I'm all grown up and have money to spend, on guitars!!! Presenting my Gretsch Synchromatic...... And yes, I am aware that I need a hair cut.
  16. Agreed. Maybe it's cause my parents played this record a lot when I was very little but it's probably one of my favorite Neil Young records. Can't wait to hear this.
  17. You have the good Bright Eyes albums. Now go check out Conor's solo records. Unless you want angry teenager acoustic guitar music... with really jittery vocals.... Some people like "Lifted", I thought it was garbage but maybe give that a try.
  18. Girly stuff? Bracelets? Clearly none of these people have dated in the past TEN DECADES. Here's what you do. 1) Cut a hole in a box 2) Put your junk in that box 3) Make her open the box
  19. This was the reaction by Canuck fans today:
  20. That's incredibly embarrassing. Someone needs to put that kid in his place. I wonder if EA will pull him from the cover of NHL10. Hmmm....
  21. Spiders and Late Greats are better live, that's for sure.
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