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Everything posted by whiskeygirl

  1. yep! lined up early in any case, but was still around 20-30 people from the front of the queue when we arrived at the tiv the love police/spunk records guy came out at 7 (the time the doors were scheduled to open) and called for love police stamped ticket holders to come to the front of the line got my favourite position because of that little stamp! (others were let in only 5-10 minutes later, but it still made a difference to us) the show was amazing btw! just amazing! poor places > spiders (kidsmoke) was just too good, and she's a jar and on & on & on were just beautiful
  2. are you taking the piss? are you saying arcade fire are pretentious and that they don't deliver 90 minutes of outstanding rock?!? have you seen them live?
  3. andrew bird played the zoo in brisbane last night and what a show it was! it was such an enjoyable performance with an appreciative, although small, crowd (most people were up the road at another venue for the sufjan stevens show - yes, they clashed - but at least i get to travel to sydney to see sufjan on the weekend, lucky me ) so thanks vc for introducing me to mr bird - couldn't imagine my musical life without him, so i hope he comes back to oz real soon
  4. thank the lord! i've had this happen to me before so i had my fingers crossed it was simply oz post incompetence (usually is!) have a happy christmas day froggie - i hope santa is kind to you!
  5. have you called your post office? maybe someone stuffed up and didn't put the little notification card in your mail box when you weren't there to sign for registered mail . . . hope you get it sorted soon
  6. have you got your tix yet froggie . . .
  7. got my tix today too thx love police, i was starting to get worried
  8. what a great thing to say! i subscribe wholeheartedly to this sentiment - there's no better reason really do it!
  9. more than likely although we do have a decision or 2 to make - it would be nice to go back to byron for blues fest (the last few years have been a bit dodge, but wilco more than makes up for it!), but then there's sydney and melbourne . . . we're trying to save for an os trip in 08 and the concerts keep coming thick and fast - not that i'm complaining
  10. yay! we have dates! sooo happy right now!
  11. can't even contemplate wilco without sharon, after her stellar performance in sydney!
  12. see you again in sydney/melbourne in 2008 - either or both - the more the merrier! can't believe we may get to see them again within 12 months - such great news! hope you're well, cheers, whiskeygirl
  13. hi yourself! glad there's another oz ryan fan around these parts, and glad you enjoyed the show last night in melbs - if it was anything like brissie, it would have been hard not to enjoy - bring on sydney! cheers, whiskeygirl
  14. just wanted to share . . . ryan played in my adopted hometown for the first time last night and after a shakey start (he played two songs and then said something along the lines of 'fuck this mic' and then walked off for 15 minutes), he and the band played a really great show - lots of stuff from cold roses and a smattering of stuff from the other records when he came back to the stage he apologised and then played a fantastic set - lord, that voice! the arrangements of the songs were really lovely - especially off broadway. ryan seemed to be enjoying himself, but he was just so focused i
  15. i realise i need to get out more, much more, but this thread is cracking me up! you're a funny, funny guy, What Light? are you sure ryan hasn't joined the board just to f*** with us all? ps, if you're going to use an ellipsis (dot dot dot), then please do it properly (i'm an editor, so i know these things) - it's dot space dot space dot space i.e. . . . see, that's not so hard is it? please resume discussions What Light? i'm intrigued as to your next insightful move
  16. again, didn't you post something along these lines in another thread just the other day? is this all you have to offer? fyi, these are rhetorical questions
  17. ok, we get it, you don't like the record
  18. who is this toby keith person you speak of? my username comes from my fondness for whiskeytown and my fondness for the beverage . . . i'm from oz so maybe i don't get the in-joke [edit: i just googled toby keith ]
  19. the thing is, we wanted to go to melbourne for the show (we haven't been down that way for a while) but the date just didn't work . . . next time wilco comes to oz, we'll see you in melbourne for sure!
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