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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Pinball Number Count I swear I watched more than PBS as a child.
  2. I think I had Rescue 911 books. They were really cheesy tellings for kids of actual incidents with floods and tornadoes and shit.
  3. She went toe to toe with Meryl in a very emotionally complex scene. When I came out of that film, her performance was the most memorable thing about that movie for me. I think she deserves it.
  4. I still haven't seen that. There was a lot of hype before it came out and I wanted to see it because of Charlie Kaufman mostly, but it kind of fell off the face of the earth.
  5. Hell yeah. He's awesome. Not a good year to be nominated though. Unlike most years, almost all of the nominees for that category deserve it. My picks: Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger (have to pick him but I enjoyed Robert Downey and Michael Shannon) Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire Best Actor: Mickey Rourke Best Actress: ? Meryl Streep (only performance I saw from this group) Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis Best Director: Ron Howard
  6. I studied jazz in college. Once my group did a graded performance in which we were recorded and an instructor made real time comments about the performance onto the recording. When I got a copy, I couldn't stop laughing. I was into some pretty out stuff at the time. When I started to solo on one tune, the instructor was like: "very interesting harmonic choices here . . . hmm . . . out of control . . . OUT OF CONTROL! OUT OF CONTROL! OUT OF CONTROL!" The guy was totally freaking out. Personally, I thought that was the best stuff I did on the recording and contined to develop that style.
  7. This sounds right to me. There was extra footage on the wilcofilm website that wasn't included in the DVD on either disc. Those clips may be available on youtube.
  8. Those aren't ants? I can come out of my panic room now?
  9. Oh, I know. I've seen the first 10 of this season. Just didn't see last weeks when it came back from the holiday break. It's definitely not as good. Too much convoluted plot and character development. I liked the show because it could stand high on the dialogue alone.
  10. Now that I've run out of Always Sunny episodes to watch, I'm gonna have to go back and see what I've missed this season.
  11. It may be more of a Scorsese/Coppola thing more than a Godfather/Goodfellas/Casino thing. I personally need both. Can't say one is the better.
  12. Who is better friends with Barach, Jeff Tweedy or William Ayers?
  13. Saw this last night. Not what I expected at all. Clint gave an amazing performance, and it was enjoyable to watch. I can't see it getting a best movie nom though.
  14. Assumed that was last year but not sure.
  15. I've seen Milk, Slumdog Millioanaire, Frost/Nixon, Doubt, The Wrestler, Dark Knight, Iron Man, and Wall-E. I thought they were all great films. Slumdog and Frost/Nixon stand out in my mind as the best ones.
  16. I enjoyed this. I watched Lakeview Terrace this weekend. Don't bother.
  17. Though she was born a long, long time ago, your mother should know Wilco.
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