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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I was actually thinking the opposite. I thought it was cool how Nels did just a little noise at the end of One Wing and Pat was the guitar hero.
  2. When I saw the topic name I knew someone would have to do this. Thanks for saving me the trouble because I hate searching
  3. Thanks for the recording can't wait to hear. I wish I got to meet some folks before the show but we got a flat on the way up. The sitting thing really pissed me off. As soon as I got there (I was standing obviously because I'm going to live human beings not a movie. Stay home and watch America's got Talent if you want to sit on your ass), someone told me they were a security guard and told me to sit down. So I asked a real security guard and he told me to stand up. Gave me a bad feeling right away. No wonder Wilco doesn't play in Florida. But they played an amazing show. When Total Pros c
  4. Let's get Pieholden up there folks!
  5. I was wondering that myself when I saw other people talking about what was in first for the Charleston or Cary Show. When you vote now it tells you. That was as of 2:45 or whenever I posted that. I would love to hear Pieholden. I was hoping the "why do you want to hear this song" portion was more important than quantitiy of votes.
  6. This is the part I'm concerned about. Texas can do what they want with their state laws, but this is an international situation. We negotiate treaties with other nations to protect our people, so we should be able to hold up our side.
  7. Definitely, also George W., Clinton used Jefferson. But Barack goes by Barack Obama. And it doesn't seem common to use the middle name. I don't see people referencing John McCain's.
  8. McCain must be going for the coveted indie kid vote.
  9. I don't even know where to start.... (this is sarcastic, right?)
  10. I love SBS. You Are My Face, Impossible Germany, Side with the Seeds, all amazing developments in the songwriting process. Hopefully Nels plays a greater role on the next one. I love that instrumental part of YAMF.
  11. Sorry, didn't mean to come off like that. I have a colorful vocabulary. But it is only one song, that they never use to play. I'm sure a lot of people still haven't seen it live. Including me. How about we combine our powers to wish it into reality for Jacksonville and you'll have a better chance of not hearing in Cary.
  12. Musically, they seem to keep getting better. Lyrically, well, there's some things in the newer stuff I like, but I'm a big fan of the Summerteeth through A Ghost is Born more surrealist kind of stuff. I don't think it's a drop in talent. I think Jeff is just at a different place in his life. I'm interested to see where the next album goes. AM through a ghost is born was a great progression and SBS seemed a drop off on from that. Being There, Summerteeth, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and a ghost is born are like movies to me in that they're great to put on and just enjoy. Sky Blue Sky is a great a
  13. If you advertise this, someone might test it.
  14. I bet he secretly wears powdered wigs and has sex with his slaves.
  15. Good point. Why is the media avoiding this? This "maverick" has gotten a free pass long enough.
  16. I can dig that. But I've never heard candidates middle names used (unless they use it themselves, but he goes by Barack Obama) and it is obviously because it's Muslim sounding. First of all, that's fear mongering because people in this country do have fears about Muslims, and secondly it shouldn't matter even if he was Muslim.
  17. The guy sings one fucking song, sometimes, and only as of recently. Let him enjoy the spotlight. I hope they play it tomorrow.
  18. mfwahl

    One wing

    happily? heroicly? handsomely? hardly? haphazardly?
  19. So you include his middle name, Hussein, in your quoting to prove his point?
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