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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I'm hoping I don't have to work tomorrow.
  2. I blame you for Arrested Development's cancellation
  3. I'm excited about this. This is exactly what I wanted: to see this lineup use the studio as an instrument. Can't wait!
  4. This frat at the school I went to put up a banner the day when folks drop their kids off: THANK YOU FOR YOUR DAUGHTERS
  5. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=36370
  6. Are there Wilco text updates, like Phish used to have? What happens if Barack Obama texts his VP pick while I'm at a funeral. Can I look at it? Does hope trump death? I'm going to a wedding this weekend. I need a text etiquette guide before it happens!
  7. It is! It should be The "I so don't care about the Olympics as much as I do about Alicia Sacramone's ass" thread
  8. If any of my friends that I barbecue with became President, I'd really be scared
  9. I'm ok with texting fmltwia Did I just text that out loud?
  10. This is so awesome! Now just gotta figure how to swing one of these since none are near me
  11. Here You Go : All Bonus Content for YHF, AGIB, Sunken Treasure, SBS from Wilcoworld.net
  12. I personally like Summerteeth more than YHF, but that's the album that got me into Wilco. It feels emotionally stronger to me as well. I know objective arguments can be made that YHF is better but if I based my taste on objective arguments I probably wouldn't like music. I'm staying out of the Radiohead thing because the only album I've heard in its entirety is The Bends, which I like for a 90s alternative rock record but it doesn't touch anything Wilco's done (except maybe AM) in my opinion.
  13. New York Times: Only four Democrats have carried the county in a statewide race in the past 50 years
  14. Neither am i, too Paula Abdul-ish, but at least it's street clothes. Try this: If you google her name, a you tube video comes up of her punching some guy in the head.
  15. Agreed The wrongful death lawsuit against her was denied dismissal earlier this month. Hopefully that progresses far enough to scare her a bit. But then again, it may only make her stronger. She's not human.
  16. I've been re-watching Michael Moore's The Awful Truth. What a great show. While I don't always agree with him, he always entertaining. And I highly respect him because of the great work he's done for people: getting people's jobs back, reversing health insurance denials, etc. His television shows were great for that. He could dedicate himelf and his show to one persons problem and make a real difference. Not a lot of people are willing or able to do that. Guy's got balls.
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