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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Marc Ribot is one of my favorite guitarists. I like the tunes where it's a quartet of Tom, Marc, Claypool, and Brain. Great earthy, huanting sounds.
  2. Rain Dogs Real Gone Bone Machine
  3. Yeah, that happens to me at work because everything is old on it. (the computer that is)
  4. Yeah it looks pretty green. I'd love to visit some time.
  5. I like her better than the new one.
  6. Isn't an actual lighter a mobile device? Last I checked they could fit in your pocket.
  7. I don't think they pointed out the hypocrisy. There's video of it all over the internet if you google the quote. Can't put the sound on at work.
  8. I almost died from laughter
  9. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations:
  10. James Franco states that a Pineapple Express/Superbad crossover may be in the works. Sounds interesting.
  11. I wish. It's more like make the kids drink beer. Fucking loser brats.
  12. Me too. The lyrics during that part are simple but good. "a part" vs. "apart". Not groundbreaking but I like how the same sound is made to mean opposite things.
  13. Except light things on fire
  14. I think it's more the "choo choo rain" that buggers people. I like the song.
  15. It is about chops and it's not. His work with the Beatles is great but you don't see him doing experimental side projects and he didn't really push the envelope in the Beatles. When he did it was more about John and Paul coaxing him to try different things, such as "The End." Glenn and Nels are sick, do experimental work on the side, but they don't play like Animal from the Muppets and Yngwie during Radio Cure because it wouldn't fit the song. I don't want to get into a "is Ringo great or not" thing because he is great. His fills were so perfectly placed and his body of work is amazing. Che
  16. I agree. His body of work and how he treated and approached each song is perfect but I would never say: "Oh, my god, Ringo is a sick drummer!"
  17. Do you have mlb.tv? I've been mysteriously avoiding those blackouts after receiving some advice on this board. Strange.
  18. Sorry to hear this, vibes
  19. No, I think Vancouver would be more suitable for the winter than the summer games. It gets kind of cold up there
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