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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Hmm. I'd like to know how Rubin ruined it. The only thing I can think of is that he's responsible for American VI's release date getting pushed back (was supposed to come out last fall, then this summer). The previous work he did with Cash is amazing.
  2. "Run For Your Life" JOHN 1980: "It has a line from an old Presley song. 'I'd rather see you dead little girl than to be with another man' is a line from an old blues song that Presley did once. Just sort of a throw-away song of mine that I never thought much of... but it was always a favorite of George's."
  3. This is off topic, but a Beatles tidbit I like is that the song "Got to Get You Into My Life" is about Paul's desire to smoke marijuana. "Did I tell you I need you...every single day of my life"
  4. I recommend the episode of PBS's Frontline entitled "Bush's War." It came out this past March. It is the most in-depth coverage of the Iraq War I've seen. It's 2 parts, 4-5 hrs total. The interviews are amazing.
  5. These guys are running to be the president of the United States. They are elitist. It shouldn't be an insult in politics.
  6. Can you elaborate on this? People seem to be taking offense, but since you say posthumous, are you referring to the yet to be release American VI? Or are you just trying to be funny?
  7. I don't take offense. I like what he does. But there are other great producers out there. I find it more comical than anything. It's kind of become a cliche. Like moving to Florida and eating dinner at 4:30.
  8. The Black Keys mention sounds interesting, otherwise I'm sick of elderly people asking Rubin to make them relevant. That sounds harsher than I meant it to, but you get what I'm saying
  9. Eat a pork and apple pie while wearing a baseball uniform while high-fiving a rabbi whose in an Uncle Sam outift. While watching NASCAR
  10. It's sad, but the Band's It Makes No Difference is a good one.
  11. Then why is he playing there?
  12. Just got the email about the sale going on. I gotta say those Old Timey baseball hats are fucking awesome.
  13. Don't see that happening. You could always dose the band I guess. Too bad Bennett's not around so they could have a misunderstanding about where one song ends and the other begins.
  14. I think there is a difference between mudslinging and pointing out reasons not to vote for the other guy. I don't really see Obama doing any negative advertising. And what could be considered negative, he could even take a little further. One of the problems with Democrats in the past is they hear people don't like negative ads, so they're afraid to say anything about the other person or to even defend accusations against themselves. I understand that negative politics is unfortunate but keeping your mouth shut and letting the other guy run the show is not the high road.
  15. I don't know but they better be on Neil's lap for that price.
  16. mfwahl

    I fear

    From what I've been hearing, I'm really excited about this album. This lineup getting creative in the studio is about the best thing that can be going on in music these days. Plus, I have other shit going on in my life that I find it bizarre to "fear" a record. I appreciate that they're working so hard to get this out so soon, also. This is lightspeed compared to the past.
  17. mfwahl

    I fear

    Jay Bennett, Aren't you busy enough with those 3 records that you don't need to cause trouble on internet message boards?
  18. Dude, he's latino. I could've said tres or guitarra. That graphic is funny.
  19. First of all, I thought the first thing you said was funny. Secondly, I agree with you. If that many people were into Wilco enough to know the sing-alongs, Wilco would probably be playing arenas. Neil has way many more fans. A lot of them are the same. A portion of the difference are older folks, probably balding hippies. And I hope I can get to one of these, but it will be weird to see Wilco in an arena. EDIT: This got moved down so to clarify, I agree with Sarchi.
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