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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I live in Rays country. Here people are front runners. People that were wearing Yankees gear earlier this year are wearing Rays gear now. Their attendance is much better but if the Rays have a rough month and miss the playoffs, it'll be back to a half empty stadium
  2. So then your statement was dismissive and decisive? Sorry I gave you too much credit.
  3. Yeah, this reform message is pretty much an insult to voters.
  4. Talk about not reading the rest of the post.
  5. I fucking hate this shit. Typical. Sounds like the rednecks that post on my paper's website. So dismissive. Don't mean to call you out personally spawn's dad or defend what you were replying to . It's more of a pet peeve and I haven't seen that language here. You should see the comments section on my paper's website. A newspaper story about anything, political or not, turns into divisive political bullshit. It makes my stomach churn. This one guy actually called for a civil war between liberals and conservatives so he could kill some liberals.
  6. He also isn't a terrorist or supportive of them.
  7. Those are awesome, in the traditional sense of the word.
  8. Is it wrong to have a boner right now? Is it, isn't it
  9. This may have been discussed here but I just heard about "new-clear" weapons.
  10. "She's right good-looking- that's all I need to know" - Virgina-based GOP volunteer Earl Hall
  11. Sure, but when it comes to public office, a violent worldview would be more of a problem than being Muslim. Keith Ellison is a vey popular progressive and he's a Muslim. I still don't think simply being Muslim makes you disqualified for public office.
  12. Yeah, it's not always followed. If you look at the Helping Phriendly Book, it's inconsistent when it comes to this. But the Mockingbird Foundation publishes the Phish Companion which prides itself on being the most accurate and detailed. Their logic makes sense. The Mockingbird Foundation is pretty cool actually. In addition to the Phish Companion, they also put out a Phish tribute album with a very diverse lineup (The Wailers, Jimmy Buffet, Little Feat, Tom Tom Club, Arlo Guthrie, etc.). They also receive a percentage of the profits from Phish's livephish.com. One year the band gave all the
  13. That's fucked up but security was all over that. Good job.
  14. He's really bad. They need to replace him ASAP. I didn't see this one, but I saw the one with Obama last month and it was a waste of time to watch. Stupid questions.
  15. Yeah, I don't think it's that she can't be trusted on her own. It's more that she energizes people more than McCain, so they wanted to do somethings together. People love her
  16. Yeah, it was word for word in some parts. They're playing that same line of independence from political parties and reform. I hope this deja vu doesn't fully play itself out.
  17. The Daily Show did a piece showing clips of McCain's speech and Bush's speech at the RNC in 2000. Amazing how similar they were.
  18. I don't see it as a big deal but there are a lot setlist nuts out there. Here's the Mockingbird Foundation's explanation of segues.
  19. Phish did it during their hiatus also.
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