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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I like these: I think I have a booze-shaped hole.
  2. I like this. I want to be cremated, but I may go for this just to hang out for a few extra days. But "propped" him up in the corner? What is he an old banjo. Get this man a stand, preferably a rotating one.
  3. Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I liked it.
  4. Thanks. Yeah, I was just saying that a lot people are turned off by Atheism (I'm using a big A here to emphasize the -ism) because there are fanatics who are very committed to it and throw it in peoples faces when that is exactly what a lot of atheists are turned off by. Also, as with a lot of things, as time goes on a tradition is developed and a lot of people who are atheists don't want to be part of that tradition or history. And again, these are just terms. If I use a term that you identify with, I'm not pretending to know what you think, I'm using it as some sort of reference point.
  5. I agree. My problem is that when it comes to spirituality, I have enough trouble figuring out what I believe and feel from day to day, that to find a term to express it seems ridiculous. One of these things that I've always respected about people committed to their faith is that even though they're tested day to day, they still have their faith.
  6. He hosted Weekend Update during the OJ trial and he always had some good stuff. I remember sometime after he was fired from the show, he was asked to host. In his monologue, he said something to the effect of either I've a lot funnier or this show has gone to shit. Awesome.
  7. No. Thinking about either one sitting down looking over the economic situation, I feel like I can trust Barack while McCain scares the shit out of me. And yes, this was done while Barack was on vacation for a whole week, so I can see how these results happened. After a couple days, I just wanted anyone to hold me.
  8. Technically, an atheist either hasn't considered the existence of a spiritual supreme being or actively denies the existence. An agnostic believes in the possibility but either admits to not knowing or believes that it is unknowable. The terms are used pretty loosely and often interchangeably now. What the terms mean to me is: An atheist doesn't believe in the existence of a spiritual power (however that may manifest itself in their daily lives). An agnostic believes in a spiritual power but isn't willing to make the leap of faith that most religions require. I guess reading the results of t
  9. St Paul: San Diego & Inglewood: Reno: If you wait until after pre-sale, fees will probably/definitely be hire. Last time I used Ticketmaster, I paid like $12.50 in fees.
  10. St Paul tickets are already available in case anyone's going to that show Presale info:
  11. I honestly can't tell you about any striking experience he has concernig the economy, but if the Bush administration has taught me anything it's that you elect more than just the president. Obama has economic advisors who are economists (albeit they're university-educated elitists). His energy plan has been praised by economists (wow!). And while Phil Gramm is McCain's "former" economic advisor, he's still an unpaid volunteer. While he probably isn't still in contention for Secretary of the Treasury, he's still playing a role. Then again, this poll was done by Zogby, and they haven't had
  12. I pray to God during sporting events, and I've even said His name during sex. I chose agnostic.
  13. He's seen as a stronger manager of the economy? Ok, we need to check the water supply; this is just lunacy. This is a guy who has admitted he doesn't know much about the economy and has said that our current economic problems are all in our heads. His former economic advisor, Phil Gramm, said we're in a "mental recession" and as a lawmaker and lobbyist was a major player in decreasing regulation in the housing and commodities markets which led to our current problems in the first place.
  14. Sweet. Stay Forever ( a bit too AC, but it's good) They have some other good love songs too that I can't think of.
  15. The only problem I have with it is its pronunciation and spelling. Who founded the city, fancypants Shakespeare?
  16. I have to admit that's a guilty pleasure of mine. That was on the radio all the time back in the day.
  17. Worcester. The shows in Worcester but it's in parentheses? I don't think I've seen that before. Not that Worcester is that great of a city anyway.
  18. dropping your kids off at college turns into pyschic newspaper editors. I love this place
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