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Posts posted by mjpuczko

  1. Many do not like Luther's "noodling" and Adam butchers some old classics.


    I tend to agree with some of the complaints in regards to some old songs (Wiser Time - Adam just is embarrassing, and listening to him cover Ed on Descending is most awkward), however both are excellent on the albums they help create, and the live renditions.


    don't disagree with this one bit. i think the new songs are great but sometimes dislike the old versions played live.

  2. the RTR era is my fave dylan period too. the whole thing just seems like a bunch of musicians who thought they could make a movie (and clearly taking too many drugs). it's a piece of shit. some of the live performances are great but i just want to see those. i have both on dvd actually.

  3. Yup. Really diggin' that one lately. It's nice to hear the Roots more free to let themselves go. They're one of, if not the most talented bands out there, and Wake Up has some great examples of that. I'd never listened to John Legend, but he delivers some killer vocal performances. The vocals on Compared To What are unreal. And I Can't Write Left Handed is 100% :w00t


    I'd love to hear more ______ & the Roots albums like that. Great as the arrangements of Roots songs usually are, it's nice to hear what else they can do.


    that song 'wake up' is great. so positive.

    i was shocked by john legend's vocals on the album. made me check out his solo stuff. it's good

  4. Bizarre. They have so many better albums. Listen to How I Got Over. Pretty good case for hip hop's potential to really say something lyrically. I put that album up there with the best I've ever heard, lyrically.


    the new roots is great, especially the first half. but the second half is too much typical bragging rap shit. those first 6 or 7 songs though, amazing.

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