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Posts posted by plasticeyeball

  1. this thread is really something.



    i will say this. i'm glad it's a girl because when she thought it was a boy, i remember Jenna saying she was a little dissappointed because she wanted a girl. (and she probably didn't even know how much easier and earlier girls potty train at the time)


    i will also say that everyone is different and whatever and however a mother wants to raise her kids is not up to anyone but her and whomever she chooses to be involved and have input. pink is fine, yellow is fine, hell any color on a baby is fine cause you only get a few months out of baby clothes and when it's hot, the kid will be in a diaper and a onesie anyway.


    the most annoying thing i remember when i was a first time parent was not people telling me/us how to raise children. it was more of people trying to scare you about being a parent like, oh, just wait till you've changed a million diapers or oh, just wait till they cry & don't sleep for days cause of an ear infection, or oh, just wait till they start walking and swallowing nickels and put popcorn kernels up their noses.


    so take the advice you like and ignore everyone else.


    oh, and i hope i didn't scare you with all that other stuff up in that other paragraph. i made that shit up. kids don't get sick and they never put stuff in their mouths or noses.

  2. Depends a lot on the company, but here are some examples, personal and first hand (I work in a high travel field):


    1) Assigned company car. Gas/routine maintenance covered 80%. Everything else paid for, OK for personal use (nothing too extreme) [This person drives 95% of the time for work]

    2) Allotment of $800/month, $0.20/mile for business use [This person drives 75% of the time for work, the rest air travel]

    3) Government rate for personal vehicle. Personal vehicle use frowned upon for trips in excess of 50 miles. Over 50 miles, company has corporate account with car rental agency. Everything reimbursed on rentals. [This person drives 75% of the time for work, the rest air travel]

    4) Company car pool - must reserve company car. If not available, make your own rental arrangements. Covered in full. [This person drives 20% of the time for work, almost no air travel]


    These examples are from a Fortune 500 company, a large multi location regional, a large company, and a



    Thanks to you too!

  3. Sparks are Gonna Fly-Catherine Wheel


    dude, i saw you were the last post and automatically thought i need to come in here and post a Catherine Wheel song. I don't think I've seen anyone else mention them on this board but you had a Catherine Wheel song on your mix from the last ysi thread. I noticed this because i lost all 4 of my disks to the "melting plastic in my cd case in the summer" syndrome and never bought them again.


    so ...

    Catherine Wheel - Black Metallic (or Waydown)

  4. 12 miles each way. I don't pay for my own gas.


    i have a question for those who get paid mileage or have a car allowance of some sort.


    what do you get per mile when driving, assuming it's your own car, like a straight out "use of personal vehicle" expense type thing.


    if anybody gets a car allowance because they have road sales jobs, i'd be interested in what you get $ /month and what that includes. if your shy, you can pm me.

  5. I think the singer was in a bathtub in the video and things were red. I'm not having any luck on YouTube. She bears a remarkable resemblance to the comedian Maria Bamford.


    i have no idea who or what your talking about but i sure would like to see that carol van dyk in a bathtub.



    edit: i meant in "my" bathtub.

  6. it had to be one of these:


    "Leg"- 6:11

    "Palomine" - 4:09

    "Kid's Allright" - 4:20

    "Brain-tag" - 6:26

    "Tom Boy" - 4:21

    "Under the Surface" - 4:17

    "Balentine" - 4:11

    "This Thing Nowhere" - 3:18

    "Healthy Sick" - 2:23

    "Sundazed to the Core" - 7:05

    "Palomine (small)" - 2:31



    you guys pick one, i'll sing a little of it, then you decide if that was it or not.

  7. Bettie Serveert had a "big hit"? :huh


    I don't think I've ever heard one of their songs on the radio, or seen a video on TV.



    I really dug that band back in the day. Saw them play once -- they're pretty good live.


    i still love palomine and still listen to it often, but i've told you this before, haven't i?




    edit: i used to here tom boy on the radio out here every now and again.

  8. I work with a company in California that converts truck engines to run on natural gas. The technology is out there and some truckers are using it. They thought it would catch on faster than it has.



    i'm (supposed) to be finishing drawings on a natural gas refueling station that will fuel 70 buses for a school district in PA right now. We (my company) put in refueling for 40 buses 10 years ago at this school and they are upping the program now. i think i've designed 70 stations so far in PA, NJ, NY, CT & VA. The technology has been out there since the 80's. it looked like it was going to take off in the mid 90's so that's when the auto makers removed CNG from their available platforms cause god forbid they promote a fuel that doesn't include oil as at least part of the blend.



    p.s. that's not the company that stiffed you for 60k and filed chapter 11 is it. :lol

  9. I'm just saying, if the gas companies would stop throwing money at unreal solutions like e85 which don't fix any of the problems with the current situation, and the government would stop subsidizing both the gas companies and farmers for e85 production and people would focus on real, renewable, clean energy sources, they would be a lot cheaper and faster.






    (the oil companies do not want a solution that doesn't include them. vehicle manufactures will only work on solutions that the oil companies get behind. i've been in the alt fuels business now for 15 years and it will not change in my lifetime.)

  10. I think it's really funny that people talk about going green and then mention e-fucking-85, the production of which puts more greenhouse gasses in the atmopshere than the production of gas.


    Can I just get my hydrogen fuel cell now? Please?



    not at $3 - $5 million to put a fueling station in.

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