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Posts posted by plasticeyeball

  1. After reading this and Exxon's quarterly profits today, I am seriously disgusted. Everything surrounding the oil industry just screams of deception and greed.



    and yet the market dropped a good bit because exxon's profits were less than expected so, at this point, i think i'd rather pay more now than have no retirement fund. i'm buying gas at exxon for the nest quarter and see if that helps.

  2. Actually studies cited in California's efforts to require trucks serving the ports of L.A. and Long Beach (the nation's largest container ports) to use LNG vehicles and fuel efficient vehicles have found that the LNG vehicles are just as pollutant, if not more so.


    I'm refering to cng, not hot gas lng.

  3. The effects of this are being felt in the price of food and gas, and it has also (in my opinion) done little to move us off of foreign oil and has probably had detrimental effects in finding real ways to get off natural gas.


    I know this was a typo. You meant gasoline & deisel for which we need other peoples oil to produce. We don't want to get off natural gas, we want to get on natural gas since it's the only viable alternative fuel. We already have (and have had for 20 years) the technology for this. Hydrogen fuel cells are so far out that i'll be retired before that technology is affordable.

  4. I'm trying to shift focus away from the greater motives that we neo-cons universally share, i.e. world domination, global corporatization, just generally shifty behavior.



    just say that next time. or point off in the distance and say "look over there" and i'll forget what we're talking about.

  5. You guys sure are harsh on the new folks. This drumstick is likely worth $1100-$2100 depending on it's condition. Good luck!


    condition is important but i think whats more important is weather it was used by glenn or was it just a spare. if it was used, then during what song(s) and on whom by whom. ususally, i like alot of info before i bid but i have a good feeling about this so i'll start the bidding at $1,750.00 sight unseen.

  6. Thanks... now where did I read this before?




    Oh yeah, two posts earlier! :P



    sorry dude. i only saw the link under his name and didn't notice that you linked "the plan" one. i got that emailed to me back in june and was going to post it but after reading how this thread was progressing, i figured why bother.

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