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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. Yeah, kind of like one of the mellower ones on Third, maybe crossed with some John Lennon solo vibes.
  2. Definitely the loft. As a studio nerd, I've paid way too much attention to the details of that place.... more than I'd normally admit.
  3. Well, we know he's been to the loft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgtoADyVocg&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR09gtntC7Q1fcI0etodrL-QfDCg09t7EjFMyf89VUhLDIc6cg2lIVaoCv4 Still a possibility that Tell Your Friends features tracks of home recording from several members.
  4. I definitely got a John Lennon vibe off this one when played with the full Wilco ensemble.
  5. My prediction is it's one of the songs that they completed last year that didn't fit in the sequence for OTJ, possibly that song he played on their instagram show that had two possible titles, one of which was "Half Life".
  6. I love that there's a conflict between the manager of the Loft and Sammy because Sammy took home all of their prized synthesizers.
  7. Album A reads as the best album to me (or really, playlist that flows) although there are a number of songs on the others I like better than a couple of the picks on A.
  8. More evidence that they're the best band ever; they recognize one of their worst songs.
  9. Spencer's falsetto sounds EXACTLY like his dad's.
  10. I haven't gotten to dive in yet. Interesting to hear your take. I'll report back with mine.
  11. Interesting. Most of the Colorado districts, including mine, just declared an extended spring break 2-3 weeks starting on Monday. I feel like I'm going on the weirdest vacation ever.
  12. Reviews for the new record have been pretty good. I've got my hopes up.
  13. This thing isn't even over and I'm already exhausted by engaging the social media spout-offs about how the DNC is already screwing Bernie, cheating to get Biden to win, and going to fail. Biden has gotten more votes! More democratic voters preferred him as their choice on Tuesday. What the hell you need a conspiracy for.... people like him. I don't really know how, but they do. This conspiracy theory crap is all a great way for everyone to stay home in November so they can talk about what an activist they are by sticking it to the democratic party, while somehow doing absolutely nothing. Mea
  14. I feel more comfortable with my appreciation for Blur. Oasis is like some charismatic, handsome kid that goes to your highschool who's kind of narcissistic and a total dick sometimes, but is randomly friendly to you and you feel all charmed and hate yourself for it. My love of Oasis is kind of like that. Blur has better albums, but not a better single.
  15. I have a musical question: I was recently sitting in front of a cover band. They were playing lots of crowd pleasers and it seemed to be as inoffensive and pleasant as a cover band might be. Then they started playing "Wonderwall" by Oasis. You could feel the place light up. So this is all to say, what's the deal with Oasis? Why were they so good? Why were they a single band more than an album band? Why didn't they last longer? I should hate that band. Many people do. The Gallagher brothers seem like complete wankers.... this only intensifies my question. What's the deal with Oasis?
  16. To me it comes down to this: Who other than the most popular candidate would be the nomination? Someone with fewer delegates?
  17. When it means 'the most', or 'the greater number'. A majority is only 51% when the contest is between two people or groups. Our politics is so binary people have a hard time picturing one winner in a 7-way contest having clearly the most, the majority, and less than 50%.
  18. I feel the same way. There's a bit of rhetorical slight of hand when they say you need a 'majority'; a candidate could have the majority of the delegates but not have 51%, which is not 'the majority'. If having the most delegates is not reason to be the nominee, then what reason should someone else with fewer votes be considered instead?
  19. I would think he'd take some compromise, instead of nothing once he's in the big chair. That remains to be seen (or not seen at all). It is a funny notion that Bernie or Warren could bring a big, bold health care initiative that could get whittled down by the legislature into something that would look more like what Biden or Buttigieg would cook up.
  20. You're so right. For my money Binaural, Riot Act and S/T all came around the time people started ignoring PJ, and are 3 excellent records. What came after hasn't been as satisfying.
  21. There is no obvious winner. A progressive ticket could alienate moderates and independents, a milquetoast centrist could be John Kerry or Hillary Clinton redeux. Sanders has energy behind him, that's more than we can say for anyone else right now.
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