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Everything posted by fickerson

  1. i joined shortly after the val air ballroom show in september '03 - i also found the board from the timeline site. gogo was kind enough to send me a copy of that show, and thus began my illustrious VC career.
  2. last night at a birthday party in queens, mr. fick and me.
  3. the actor who plays richard is on another show right now (cane), so we probably won't see them for a while.
  4. yeah, i didn't hate it - just too much kate/sawyer crap; the love story/triangle is wearing impossibly thin for me. yawn city.
  5. well, the twist was lost on me as i originally thought she said "eric" at the end. decent 'sode, not my favorite. weakest of the season so far.
  6. wow, that's someone i haven't thought about in forever. anyone know what he's up to these days?
  7. let's see: woman at the bar el ron huxtable stardog samorama robotboy charli sooz skyflynn and mrs. skyflynn brianne gogo st. genevieve reni jorge tweedy's gurl louieb the dude deepseacatfish derek phillips imdwalrus jenbobblehead caliber ron cey solace srmt pneyu sandoz laminated kat orson welles alison the wilca & kris ckc i know there are more, especially some of the old time VCers, but i was pretty drunk for a lot of these meetings so that's all i've got right now.
  8. yeah, i mean like 100 days on the island = a year or something off the island. the 31 minute rocket thing could be proportional to time/space. this would explain why richard hasn't aged, or how walt has aged so much off the island (obviously, he's going through puberty, but this is a good explanation for the show). also, the world at large knew when the plane went missing, but we have no idea when the wreckage was found, or when exactly the freighters' flashbacks took place. i think that when jack made that comment, it was meant to be noticed by frank (as in, "wait a minute, how long do YO
  9. yeah, definitely. it was interesting that this was the first time they'd mentioned to the freighter people how long (they thought) they've been there, and it was interrupted with daniel's experiment. kevin - next week's episode is supposed to have a pretty big twist, i think.
  10. i'm pretty sure that line was thrown in there as a clue that time moves slower on the island than it does for the rest of the world. and frank could/would have thought about it more had they not been interrupted right after jack said that.
  11. i adopted that attitude, and i ended up flunking out. i eventually graduated, but it took me like 4028 years.
  12. i get that, but if we're trying to equate miles being up in the kid's room, ghosthustling, with the exact moment desmond turned the failsafe key, which therefore set up the alternate universes to merge/bleed/whatever, then miles wouldn't have already heard on the radio that flight 815 had been found. it makes sense in my head, dammit!
  13. The only problem with this theory is that the "alternate reality" of the plane being discovered in the trench would had to have happened before desmond turned the failsafe key (when miles is up in the kid's room), because miles is listening to reports on the radio of the plane being found as he pulls up to the lady's house. unless it's saying that the plane crashing in the ocean is the real reality and the plane crashing on the island is the alternate reality, but that wouldn't explain how the plane crashed on the island before desmond turned the key, although it could be some sort of looped
  14. this is incredibly sad. i was just thinking of nat last night, while watching the decemberists' dvd. she was one of the kindest people i've ever had the pleasure to meet from here.
  15. screw the train and take the chinatown bus - you can leave as late as you want! seriously though, is there anything i can do for you or help you with while you're here? i'll be in the city tomorrow afternoon for a job interview, let me know.
  16. what time is your train and what station? the bar i'm going to will be showing the red sox game, but it's in the east village.
  17. i purchased a month of mlb.tv earlier in the summer, and never re-subscribed but kept getting it for free. which is good, because there's no way i would have paid more money for that shitty service. so for the playoffs, i guess i'll be braving the big city and staying up late in bars, or listening to the games if they're on espn radio.
  18. sopcast is only available for windows? what are we, living in the dark ages?
  19. playoff games on TBS + two games at 10 PM ET = really annoying to not have cable. thanks for that info, graham.
  20. i lived in madison from '99 until this summer; feel free to PM me with any questions. also, brianne and skyflynn can probably help you out, they still live there. it's a great place, good luck!
  21. i'd be thrilled to upgrade it sometime soon; say, october...
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