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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Well, as you can imagine, it doesn't flow like a whole show but.. 1) The Sugaree is a MONSTER version. One of the best I've ever heard - it stands up to ones like 3/18/77 and 5/22/77. 2) A pair of unpredictable combos ( Other One > Good Lovin' and Terrapin > Black Peter) that are just about perfect. 3) The last Help > Slip > Frank for 5 years...plus a real spacy Playin' I'd give it a thumbs up.
  2. You thought ND would get beat by Geoge Mason? For shame, ESue.
  3. John I like how you say "before next January". The implications (at least to me) being somehow that it might get authorized in order to advance the Republicans' ability to keep control of the White House, or at the latest to give an incoming Democrat President an even larger load of shit to deal with. I don't necessarily dismiss this out of hand but I gotta confess: that's just too morbid of a scenario for me to contemplate fully right now. Let's hope not, OK?
  4. I had a couple of 11s beating 6s. That wasn't one of them.
  5. I'm not gonna go back and search, but Clarence White! Garcia is on record as saying CW was one of his heroes. The Byrds Live Fillmore (Feb. '69) or Untitled is a major showcase for his electric virtuosity.
  6. That's a top 10 (or 5) version of Dark Star there.
  7. Unfortunately Belmont forgot that the game is 40 minutes long, not 39 1/2. Fuckin' Dookies.
  8. Hey Jules - have you heard the rumor that Scott Skiles is being interviewed to be the new IU coach?
  9. Phil didn't start having kids until late in life - I think both of his sons are college-age. Gotta pay for those rising tuition costs!
  10. Happy Birthday to the distinguished gentleman from NH. You're nothing at all like Judd Gregg, are you?
  11. Grateful Dead - Road Trips Vol. 1, No. 2 - Oct. '77
  12. I read this late last night and found it thoroughly enjoyable. Nice job man.
  13. I love stories like that. I never saw the GD do The Chain, although I have caught Phil and Friends doing the song ( the versions Phil did with Haynes/Herring are very good). Like Ian said earlier I had pretty much stopped travelling to see the band at that time. There was a brief moment in time (Spring '93 in particular had some excellent shows) when things seemed A-OK but by the Fall of that year it was over. I did 3 nights at Richfield (Cleveland) in September of that year that were just so disappointing I could hardly stand it. It was obvious Jerry was in a bad way (again) - staring at
  14. 13 years ago today - The Spectrum, Philly PA. The debut of one of the most-requested GD songs of all time - Unbroken Chain. We only had to wait 20 years! Anyone from the board at that show? I wasn't. Fan superstition said that if the tune ever got played it would be the beginning of the end for the band. Sadly this turned out to be true.
  15. Yeah Chomps I just now had time to watch the whole thing. You know I've watched a lot of speeches over the years but that was a really good one. I can't accurately describe how it made me feel. When Barack talked specifically about white resentment, the part about anger over things like affirmative action being a catalyst for the Reagan Coalition was right on the money in my opinion. Very unfortunate.
  16. They are gonna be here on 4/21 - so, to answer your question, yes!
  17. I would not go to see any bands on a weeknight, because I work second shift. Now if it was a band I REALLY wanted to see I'd take a day off.
  18. That's how I feel about his solo at the end of "Lizards". Just a haunting, gorgeous melody. Billy Breathes is wonderful too.
  19. Jeez Dan that's almost the feel-good story of the year so far (I'm only half-kidding). Whether or not the Governor and his wife were just staying a step ahead of the media (by discussing this) or not seems irrelevant - the fact that the effort was made to change a potentially bad situation says a lot. Best of luck to the Governor and First Lady.
  20. Grateful Dead - 12/31/76 bonus disc ("Spirit of '76") Really outstanding takes on "Crazy Fingers" (6/9/76) and Playin' in the Band > Supplication > Playin' Reprise (9/24/76) here.
  21. I'm looking forward to seeing The General during the tournament. Back in the day, his Sunday coaches' show was unbelievable - it was unlike any other show of its kind. Some really crazy shit - one time he brought a jackass on the program to represent "the Purdue point of view".
  22. Not unlike Jerry, Trey suffers from the (unjust, imo) perception of his fanbase as a bunch of burned-out birdbrains. Really a shame - his skills as an arranger and guitarist are very very good. The guy has made my jaw drop many times, sober or otherwise.
  23. I'm not really sure. It says "uncirculated material" - I've never heard anything from this show, and I don't recall ever seeing it on lists of anyone I've traded with. Even DeadBase looks to have only a partial listing for set 2 (Eyes > S. Mag > GDTRFB > Casey). Surely there was more than that played that night. I guess we'll find out later.
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