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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Is it possible to feel nostalgic for a time you didn't live in?
  2. I'd buy you a drink for that. Well done.
  3. I will check this out when I get home tonight. Gore's "The Assault on Reason" went in depth about this - pretty scary stuff indeed.
  4. I like it better when you move back the clock in the Fall. A whole hour where time doesn't exist - very "Twilight Zone"-ish.
  5. Yeah! Man I miss that show. I have one on tape from the '88 Republican Convention - Jim Morris (as Reagan) was the guest. Hilarious.
  6. You took lessons from Moraz? That's cool as hell. He was ex-Yes by the time I first saw Yes ('78) but I did get to see him and Bruford in a club here around '84-'85. "Music for Piano and Drums" / "Flags" period.
  7. Hey Happy Birthday man! Haven't we discussed prog on the board before? I'm getting a little forgetful in my old age (45). I will listen to "The Gates of Delirium" in your honor tonight.
  8. Hummingpants (for the ladies in the audience). edit: this is Poca
  9. At this point in time I don't see how McCain stands a chance. First off, the Dems have been outvoting Reps in the primaries by a large margin. Here's how I see McCain's big problem. He simply cannot afford to alienate the Republican base, who are already miffed that he's not a true conservative (whatever that means). So he's gonna have to cuddle up to those people... but if he does that, a majority of independent voters and Reagan Democrats (who loathe W.) will be turned off by him. Catch-22. His only hope as I see it is to crank up the fear factor full-throttle. Which he undoubtedly will
  10. I'm so glad you finally got to see Neil! I've caught him more times than I can count - never have I came away feeling ripped off.
  11. FIVE Woody tunes! At My Window! Sounds like a real good time there.
  12. That Vassar, Hartford and Holland sounds really interesting. I'm mostly familiar with Holland from his work with Anthony Braxton and Chick. You'll have to let me know about that one sometime.
  13. Yes. Not having a 'co-conspirator' to enable you has to be a bonus in overcoming the struggle. Can you imagine how hard it must be to not only overcome a problem that will undoubtedy be very painful, but to also do get rid of some of the closest, most loved people in your life at the same time? That's precisely why so many never make it imo...too damn hard to do it all at once.
  14. I'm not a cinema buff by any means but many of my favorites also happen to have Nicholson in them. Cuckoos Nest, Easy Rider, The Last Detail to name just a few. The Marx Bros. are big faves here too. Along with most of the seventies Woody Allen stuff.
  15. This one deserves some mention. I've said this before, but this is not only my favorite Mingus album (that I own ) it's also a great great example of the period post bop/pre avant jazz. The "Fables Of Faubus" (with lyrics) is pretty inflammatory stuff for 1960. With Dolphy, Danny Richmond and Ted Curson.
  16. I think I have a few coins that are from the early 20th century. Poca has a nice cedar chest from the '40's. There's nothing here that is as old as the house itself - built in 1890.
  17. That last track on the tape listing Aman posted ("No Time") is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever heard. Pig with just a piano singing about "I can't take this pain much longer, you know I'm getting weaker not stronger". That might be the last thing he ever recorded - on 2-track at home. I have this as filler on something, i'll have to go back and locate it.
  18. Like a steam locomotive Rollin' down the track He's gone, gone And nothin's gonna bring him back Ron McKernan 9/8/45 - 3/8/73 Since today marks 35 years I thought we might have a little Pigpen appreciation here. I personally never saw Pig do his thing (and I only know one friend who did...Lou, maybe you did?) but he was the heart and soul of the band in the first 7 years. Thankfully, the Dead never tried to replace him - who could, really? Maybe a classic "Caution" or "Lovelight" would be in order today. "I think it's safe to say we all loved Pigpen" - Jerry Garcia
  19. Woah. You just threw me for a loop there. Lightfoot on a Saturday rather than a Sunday. You did that to see if anyone was paying attention.
  20. When have I ever known what I was talking about?
  21. This thing started off with what I thought was a pretty damn good article, followed by some very personal, soulful responses. I hope this thread doesn't get too argumentative.
  22. I thought that book was a pretty enjoyable read. Definitely would help you out with the paper.
  23. I totally agree with this. I hope this isn't looked at as an "experiment now over and done". I think the TPs have energized the band.
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