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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. That's a good point. I personally don't have an opinion anymore about this but I know there are many who do. The fact that these guys are continuing to play theatres instead of sheds is noble but somewhat baffling to me. I know the acoustics, intimacy etc are much better but if Wilco REALLY wanted to sell out wouldn't they try playing big places where the sound bounces around 20 times before it ever hits your ears? One of these days we'll look back at this argument and laugh. Like maybe tomorrow.
  2. This month marks 2 years I've been registered. I lurked for a few months before that. Still a noob. This place bests any board I've ever been on though. A really nice group of folks here.
  3. Another anniversary today. 39 years ago (damn it's hard to comprehend next year will be 40 years) at the Fillmore West the most perfectly realized version of Dark Star ever played. It might not be my favorite but it's just a seamless version. All who have the Fillmore Run (via box set, cds or cassettes) should bust these things out for the next 4 days. I know I will!
  4. If teh Wilcos ever pay Indy again in the summer/early fall there's a lot of campgrounds 15-20 minutes away (up near Deer Creek) that would be PERFECT for this type of thing. That would be awesome as hell.
  5. I'm pretty sure that was Mr. H. And weren't you also Pervert McMurderman for a minute? I kinda liked that name.
  6. Now that's just good old Hoosier common sense.
  7. I just finished listening to a live comp that our friend Basil II sent me and I must say the cover of "No Expectations" is a fantastic 3 AM song. Bump.
  8. Exactly! Lazy, self-absorbed, occasionally belligerent. Oh wait. I think I was describing myself there.
  9. Wilco should cover (in its entirety) The Beatles "Yesterday and Today" album - for ALL of their fans.
  10. As a matter of fact, your prize is THIS: a 13 month old Basset with an attitude problem, FedExed directly to you from the flatlands of Indiana!
  11. Wait a minute. Aren't we all today's Wilco fans? We're on this board today.
  12. Fericito and JT in New Jork checking out teh discos.
  13. Yes. And in regards to FISA etc etc a veto proof majority is an absolute necessity.
  14. If they play 2 songs you know one of them HAS to be ITMWLY.
  15. If he is included in debates before the general he could refer to McCain as "my younger opponent". Seriously though - I like the guy, I really do. He would force some discussion about issues THDW mentioned. I only hope things aren't so dreadfully close that he actually affects the outcome at the end.
  16. That's nearly always true, although I did see Zappa Plays Zappa do Willie the Pimp on Conan for a good 8 minutes awhile back.
  17. If I had to choose between one or the other I'd rather have a cd box set of the whole run.
  18. Ok, this has NOTHING to do with chili but I thought it was pretty damn funny stuff. The 5 Most Badass Presidents in U.S. History http://www.cracked.com/article_15895_5-mos...s-all-time.html
  19. The irony for me is that in all the times I've caught this band in the last 6 years I somehow have missed seeing RTMB. I hope this is the year I can cross that one off my list.
  20. Thanks for the heads up Reni. Pete is one of the great voices of freedom. I hope he lives forever and a day.
  21. I'd give anything to know why. I don't know if I've ever seen a paler crowd of folks.
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