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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Shit. I knew there would be folks I left out. I just ran the perimeter of the country, leaving out C-bus, Nashville, KC, St. Looie etc. Maybe I should take a YEAR off.
  2. That was the one I thought this lineup would just OWN.
  3. Getting ready to conduct the local Philharmonic:
  4. If I could afford to take a month or two off from work I would do teh VC American Tour. Start from the Lake of Fire in NY, run down the Coast, including Joisey, through Byrd Country, on down to F-L-A (including the part that voted blue), swing across the South through lawyer territory and where the Crow flies, a little stop in the Dead-friendly Mile High City, into Calee-fornee for a stop in Baconville U.S.A. and the Administrative offices in Riverside, then onto the Holy City (SF) and finishing up in the great Northwest to our destination of Seattle (huh? what?) before heading towards Sweet H
  5. I think I was orbiting the moons of Saturn at b2's age.
  6. What he said. I've never been completely clean-shaven in my whole adult life.
  7. I think I've met around 15-20 VC people in the last couple of years. The first person I met was our resident jazz aficionado Louie B, and that was a great way to start. Great guy. There's still a large number of folks that I want to get together with. You all know who you are.
  8. You just made my day. I gotta save that one.
  9. That young lady in the front looks suspiciously like an rtt denizen.
  10. Four religious channels? For 55 bucks I sure hope you get Joel Osteen. That guy is PURE ENTERTAINMENT.
  11. The committee investigating baseball is but one of a million committees investigating everything that hasn't been rendered moot by 'executive privilege'. I know you're aware of this. The war is still on the front burner. The hearing with Clemens and his trainer was something to see. Henry Waxman is truly one of the good ones.
  12. That's what I heard too. All I can say is if you can remain cool while being in the preesure cooker of a Presidential election PLUS quit smoking at the same time you must really have your shit together.
  13. It Never Rains (Mark Knopfler) I hear the Seven Deadly Sins And the Terrible Twins came to call on you The bigger they are babe The harder they fall on you And you you're always the same, you preservere On that same old pleasure ground Oh and it never rains around here It just comes pouring down You had no more volunteers So you got profiteers for to help you out With friends like that babe Good friends you had to do without And now they've taken the chains and the gears From off your merry-go-round Oh and it never rains around here It just comes pouring down And your new Romeo Was jus
  14. My Only Love (Brian Ferry) Do I ever wonder? More than words can say Heaven knows it's hard enough to pray Let me tell you something There's a change in me Even now you're gone you'll always be My only love Does is seem so funny For a fool to cry? Do you know the meaning of goodbye? There's a river flowing By a willow tree When you need to know remember me My only love Let me tell you something More than words can say But they're all I have, no other way There's a river flowing By a willow tree In my heart you know you'll always be My only love
  15. You're a hootchie-cootchie man! May many fine bevvies be consumed (Dogfish Head, yes?). Damn, you were 9 months old when this show happened.. I'm old! Anyway, have a good one!
  16. Happy Birthday Alissa! The year I turned 12 we ran Nixon out of the White House in disgrace. I can only hope your year is as good!
  17. Actually it's worse than Watergate (imo). The final tally 68 yea, 29 no to pass the bill (with immunity). This is a sad sad day kids. Evan Bayh (one of my Senators) voted yes. That spineless dimwit isn't fit to carry his father's name. Birch is rolling in his grave right now. I'll never vote for that fucker again.
  18. Let's not forget that the telephone companies' "patriotism" evidently comes with a price: when the Govt quit paying their bills to the companies, they immediately cut them off from the information the Govt wanted. To suggest (as some have) that immunity is needed because the lawsuits could financially cripple the companies is a very sick thought. If they're innocent, the courts will bear this out. If not...well if a companies' bottom line trumps our Constitutional rights then this country really has went into the sewer. This is a VERY dangerous precedent being set here imo.
  19. Hmmm...just for the record, I'm nearly invisible at a show. In fact, for these shows I will be invisible. I won't be there.
  20. The Time>The Revolution. There, I said it. Flame on. I did enjoy it. No shit.
  21. The man got up for 2-plus hours tonight and barely stopped to draw breath. The subject - his opposition to retroactive immunity for the telecommunications industry in the latest revamped Foriegn Intelligence Surveillance bill. It was not a paranoid screed but rather a cogent, well intentioned warning imo. We (AT&T and I) welcome your opinions.
  22. If you have not hear the 12/2 Boston it has the best brain-fry/meltdown I've ever heard. Phil conjures up screaming pterodactyls from his bass, I kid you not.
  23. Mrs. Leroy, if you can't make Chicago in February the rumor is that there will be another residency in Death Valley in July. I'm not going to be able to be there either so maybe I'm just a tad bit surly.
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