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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. HA! I don't see it either. With the exception of Spiders there really isn't anything that gets "jammed-out". Even in IG there are a number of cues that seem pretty orchestrated. I think we can rest easy. Wilco is a song-based band, and will remain so. Of course, I've been wrong before!
  2. If there are any L'Ville fans here this looks doable to me. I need to see these guys!
  3. Good question. That album was meh at best but it was done at a time when P&F was fairly stable - the lineup did not change for about 2 1/2 years or so. Too bad it didn't stay together - those guys were the uber - jammers imo.
  4. He's a really great guy. I've had the pleasure of having dinner with him and the rest of the DNB a few years back. You can tell why Jerry loved him so much - he's a fountain of information on a wide variety of subjects. I loves me some NRPS but the DNB is one of my favorite bands ever. I've caught them a couple of dozen times. Pete Sears is a fantastic player but I really really miss Billy Laymon. He's easily the nicest guy in rxr I've ever met. I hope and pray he's doing better.
  5. The rift between Phil and Steve is evidently irrepairable. I remember when Phil was doing his book signing he had some q&a but he steadfastly refused to talk about Steve at all. Damn Mike , you know Cage too? How's David doing? I miss him big time!
  6. Thanks for the heads up jc4. You are very kind.
  7. I know McCain is feeling the momentum right now, and Huckabee ain't givin up, but guys - hang it up, it's over for the both of you. The Mittster has secured the most coveted of all endorsements - yes, I'm talking about the one, the only, former Senator Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. Exactly. I've always thought that if I would have been born in '52 instead of '62 there would most likely be a study of my fingerprints in some manila folder at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, if you catch my drift...
  9. Many thanks Heinekren. I enjoyed those very very much.
  10. That Old Man River he just keeps rolling along.. Have a great day man! Thanks for all you do!
  11. Back in the day the USA Network's show "Night Flight" had a few episodes that had special "Best of the Beat Club" bits on it. I managed to tape a few hours of that stuff - it was good good stuff. I didn't get any Zep, but there was a lot of other great bands that played on there.
  12. What's everyone's take on Rudi endorsing McCain? It's looking like the old man is turning out to be the front runner after all.
  13. Well now. I really enjoyed that even if the quality was less than spectacular. It's especially poignant when you consider that Phil had just had a liver transplant surgery only a few months before, and had in fact only tried returning to the stage just 6 weeks earlier with Trey and Page for the very first outing of Phil and Friends. Thanks for the link.
  14. I have to agree with Lou, Kris, and the rest of you that don't dig the way the encore thing is now. We argued a little about the whole one set/two set thing here awhile back. Here it is if anyone wants to check it out: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...23999&st=20
  15. Nice post BWW. You might have hit on something there. As for myself, I was already in my mid-thirties with three young kids when A.M. came out so there's never been any association with youth in it for me. I do know that from the first notes of YHF I was immediately blown away with it, and began checking out their shows from then on. The thing that Jeff has (imo) that is such a rare commodity in rock and roll is that the music he and his bandmates have created over the years is the kind of music that he can carry around with him and age gracefully with it. A good part of the catalogue c
  16. BIODTL. I do have that on k-sette. I was thinking that those tunes were a possibility for the Ladies and Gentlemen set but there were some legal ramifications with Duane's estate. I will see if I can locate the info.
  17. I was thinking Aman meant the 4/26/71 show. I think there was something in the liner notes for "Ladies and Gentlemen" that talked about this. I'll look it up.
  18. Welcome to the board seeyatonite. Looking forward to your observations around here in regards to the Greatest Band That Ever Was.
  19. Happy Birthday to my dear VC friend. I hope the digs/job in Seattle are working out for ya, and I hope you get online to see this - we miss ya dude! I will now consume an IPA in your honor. Yes, this one's in your honor.
  20. There you go. I was watching an interview with some vet political correspondent and he made the telling comment that although he's been covering HRC and Edwards (as well as Obama) and they can definitely inspire, when Barack hits the podium it's hard to remain objective - the energy in the room is just jaw-dropping.
  21. I have my fingers in my ears right now - to block out all this inane gibberish that you're spewing. I'm quite sure, however, that when all is said and done I will stand by my previous convictions. AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS
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