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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Unbelievable, but Huckabee got endorsements from 2 unions today. I've never heard of such a thing.
  2. We got it for my oldest (TP is her favorite). I haven't watched it yet either. Looking forward to seeing it though.
  3. "If the President does it, how can it be illegal?" Didn't Nixon say that?
  4. HH please tell Chad we hope all is well in Apex. And thanks for the link too!
  5. God bless Dennis. I really like that guy. In other news, I saw John Kerry give a fantastic speech introducing Obama in Charleston SC today. Damn, if he could have only sounded like this 4 years ago...it was stirring stuff. And then Obama comes out - U2 music blaring, screaming womens, etc. This guy really IS a rock star. Of course, I've heard this speech a number of times now - but no matter. It does get to you.
  6. I believe Florida is winner-take-all, with 57 delegates. That's why Rudy G. has been down there for weeks and avoided IA and NH.
  7. I think this week is the anniversary of the very first MSG shows (1979). If I'm not mistaken, they were also the shows where JG got his first death threat.
  8. That would be smart if he did. His latest book is turning out to be quite good I think. I'm only about 50 pages in but it's blowing my mind - he's already brought up McLuhan and Thomas Paine.
  9. The soundtrack is excellent, because it has what SYF omitted: the jams!
  10. I was there for that. A great moment in my Wilco concertizing.
  11. But but but...Huckabee is supposed to a real person! With convictions!
  12. 6/30/84 - best damn GD show I ever saw. I was a fan before that but the first 45 minutes of the second set (Shakedown>Playin'>Terrapin) hooked me for life! '84 was really an erratic year on the whole though. JG was at his very worst health-wise then.
  13. Sweet blog Bjorn. but are you really that surprised? We've been "dumbing down" for at least 20 years imo Also from the "hypocrisy dept." : I saw where Huckabee deleted all references to abortion in his stump speeches in NH ( not a lot of bible thumpers up there apparently) only to bring them back full-force today in SC. To wit: "There is nothing more important to me than the defense of the unborn" etc etc. Now, if that is his biggest concern then why would he not be speaking out on this every time he takes the podium? Afraid of alienating voters he might need?
  14. Yeah, it's really sad that huge chunks of stuff from Brent's first 4 years are not in the Vault. They just didn't give a shit at the time. Thank God Dick Latvala came on board in '84 or so.
  15. Hey. Before this thing runs completely off the rails could we get back to the task at hand and start handicapping the South Carolina primary?
  16. Yes. Nettles, you should get in touch with kidsmoke. That girl has an archive of cakes that is just astonishing.
  17. '82 and '83 are both woefully under-represented in my collection. I think the first show I ever got on tape was the second set of 6/15/76. Great set - the Stella Blue is unbelievably slow but really good.
  18. They were talking about a possible 85% turnout earlier as well. That's just incredible.
  19. McCain may not the get the nod for the nomination, but he really should. As Ikol said, he's the only one on the Rep side I actually respect.
  20. I think the populist tack that he takes rubs folks the wrong way when they realize he's a millionaire lawyer. Whether it's right or wrong it makes him seem like a slick career politician. I like Edwards, btw.
  21. Before Edwards came out there was another guy on the podium and he came out to, I swear to Cod, Heavy Metal Drummer.
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