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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. You just hit the nail there cryptique. If HC doesn't win tonight she has a problem on her hands. At some point she's going to have to consider (out of desperation) going after Barack with the dirt. Which I'm sure she doesn't really want to do. The Clintons have been well loved by the African-American segment of the voting public for a long time - does she really want to risk alienating them with negative attacks on Obama? That could bite her on the ass in a state like South Carolina, where 50% of the registered voters are black.
  2. Today's the big day. This is so exciting! I'm not a fan, but McCain would seem to be the only guy with any chance of beating the Dem nominee.
  3. June 1974 has got to be one of top 5 months in GD history. I've never heard a weak show from that month. Even though the 7/31 is longer I think 7/19 kicks its ass (from the same time frame). All in all though the whole year is must-hear stuff. There are only about 40 Wall of Sound shows. Essential listening.
  4. A.M. is chock full of my favorite songs even though it's not close to being my favorite record in Wilco's catalogue. I have no idea what that means...except that there is a very high standard when it comes to Wilco music. Blue-Eyed Soul has always been one of my favorite '3 AM' songs since the first time I heard it.
  5. Thanks Lou. And remember to let your friends/family know that you love them.
  6. Oh my God. This is terrible. I never met Nat in person but I always loved her spirit around here. I really don't know what to say. All my best thoughts are with her loved ones right now.
  7. Wow. Now there is some terrible news. Thanks for the link though.
  8. Yeah! If that happens will it ever shock our little world here. Imo that would be the greatest thing ever in this band's history. I'm gonna cross my fingers for you all and hope I can just get the whole run on tape. Err... I mean cd.
  9. Phish- 8/13/93 Murat Theatre, Indianapolis IN SBD I can't believe I missed this when it happened. wtf?
  10. Absolutely! Neil Young has been doing that (off-and-on) for 35 years and it definitely works for him.
  11. You are definitely not alone Edie. I often listen to viewpoints that I am opposed to under the guise of "know your enemy" but someone that has a really good grasp of language and can deliver opinions intelligently, with a minimum of rhetoric, can give me a fresh new take on a subject. Unfortunately, television and radio are (for the most part) "one way" mediums. We receive, but cannot give when it comes to the free exchange of ideas. And isn't democracy supposed to be about reaching an enlightened view that comes from a two-way exchange of ideas?
  12. World Saxophone Quartet - Political Blues (2006) w/ James Blood Ulmer
  13. Happy 21st Birfday Tom! Don't do anything I would do! And happy 17th Brennan! Enjoy the day gentlemen.
  14. Anyone watch the 100 Club dinner last night? The speakers (in order) were Kucinich, HC, Richardson and Obama. Kucinich scorched the ears of all with talk of Iraq, impeachment etc. God, he was great - a true unapologetic flaming liberal. Got everyone all fired up. Poor Hillary. To have to follow Dennis was like having to follow the Flaming Lips or something. I sense her campaign could be in trouble. When she got up to speak it seemed like the air went out of the room for awhile. It may be early but her advisers must be putting in some OT right about now. Richardson was as energized as I'v
  15. Since when does JT wear a tie? I've never been so disappointed.
  16. Just an old two tone green Ford Club Wagon. Would seat 8 people easily. That run was like a Woodstock experience...after the first night it started to rain and just kept it up for the next 48 hours. The third night was played in a total downpour. I had no rain gear, just two trash bags I fashioned into a jacket and bottoms. During Sugaree when JG sings "in spite of all you've gained you still have to stand out in the pouring rain" I just cracked up at the ridiculousness of it all. Of course, my brains were pretty loose by that point.
  17. Neil Young - Live at Massey Hall (Toronto Canada-January 19, 1971)
  18. After the Super Duper Tuesday thing it will all be set in stone though for the Dems. It looks like the Republican thing may be far more interesting (unpredictable). The handicappers will be in heaven there.
  19. Thanks for that man. We appreciates it. The caucus in Des Moines amazed me. Barack got 50% of the vote, Edwards 30% and HC was a distant third with around 20%. A total ass-kicking. After Col. Leslie posted that about Biden I went back and read the news. Sigh.
  20. That's a bummer. So will Biden and Richardson pretty soon I'd guess. I don't get the primary here until May. By that time there will just be two left. Hell, that could happen by Feb. 6. Damn.
  21. Those three nights were just about the best run I ever saw. On the DVD you can see my van on there!
  22. Yes. We need a report from our man in Iowa. Some trenchant, first person stuff would be appreciated. Ok, here's what I got from tonight...Iowa is as polarized as any other place in the U.S. The only thing that both sides agree on is they want something different. Huckabee? Are there really that many evangelicals in Iowa? Remind me not to consider moving there. A black man with the name Barack Hussein Obama stomps on the terra in a state that is 95% white? I'm totally ok with Obama winning tonight. I must say that I was a little disappointed with the showing from the second tier guys thoug
  23. Hey q23 - that 7/12/90 RFK show has a very VERY far out Dark Star. Well worth a spin. I think it is one of the last, if not the last, version done with Brent. The CD soundtrack of one of the View From the Vaults has it as filler.
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