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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Am I the only one here who is slightly disturbed by the fact of an hour of Doors music going for 20 bucks retail? Especially when you read the article Hippo posted - they've dubbed in missing parts from other shows? Don't get me wrong - I love the Doors but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth for some reason.
  2. I think this week will mark 42 years since the Trips Festival. As I recall this was where Jerry first really interacted with Bill Graham.
  3. I'm gonna take my $800 and start a small business - next thing you know I'll be Living the American Dream folks!
  4. Someone should print this thread and send it to Jessica Simpson. She'd probably be impressed that an innocuous question like this thread title could lead to such deep philosophical ruminations. Or something.
  5. I don't know. But it does seem like Phish music is tailor-made for the smoking of the weed. Just an observation. Is it not true that the whole "indie" genre is full of folks that think it's cool to listen to bands that hardly anyone has ever heard of? Once the bands reach some level of mainstream success they oftentimes get dropped like a hot potato by the indie crowd (or so it seems).
  6. Aman if you can swing it you should check 'em out. I've seen them a few times and they are damn good imo. A little sto-ray: when they do the complete show thing they don't announce it until the very end. One time I saw them in Indy and me and some friends of mine were debating what show we thought had just been played. I announced that I thought it was 12/28/81 - and it was! Those people looked at me like I was insane. My friends have called me "Rain Man" ever since.
  7. I don't care who you are, that's some good stuff right there. For the record - 5' 11" And I have an awesome record collection but no freaking turntable at this time.
  8. That show might be my very favorite of '76. The second set has an unbelievable segue-fest. With all of the stuff from '76 that has been officially released it's a crying shame that this one never got the nod.
  9. I should have copied your 'post of the day' award. Well done sir.
  10. Available only in Britian. Sunsabitch. Too bad the Infidels stuff from Letterman isn't on there. Still one of my favorites.
  11. Shit man, that could be us in 25 years.
  12. This wasn't the first image, but who wants to see a picture of a bed, really? This one was hipper imo.
  13. Never forget the immortal words of Wavy Gravy:
  14. Awesome! I once signed a friend's yearbook with "you are what you is, you is what you am". (not a GD reference, sorry)
  15. Were you there Lammy? Such a shame we didn't know each other then...our house was always a great party after shows.
  16. Dungy is gonna give it a good think but the news here is we'll know something by next Monday.
  17. OK, here goes ( and of course this could be different tomorrow): 1. James Alley Blues 2. Magazine Called Sunset 3. Far, Far Away 4. ELT 5. Handshake Drugs -> Space -> 6. Blue-Eyed Soul 7. Pot Kettle Black 8. One By One 9. It's Just That Simple 10. Ashes of American Flags -> 11. Not For The Season 12. Remember The Mountain Bed 13. Let's Not Get Carried Away 14. How To Fight Loneliness 15. Red-Eyed and Blue -> 16. I Got You -> 17. Someone Else's Song ------------------------------------ 18. Airline To Heaven 19. In A Future Age -> 20. Poor Places -> 21. Spiders --
  18. Wow. I'll have to get my thinking cap on for this one.
  19. True, but (from what I've heard) Nassau was even worse. I was really disappointed that the band continued to go back there year after year.
  20. When it's mid-January and you have to make a trip to the outhouse, you're gonna get the pee shivers. Confirmed.
  21. I truly hope that Romney gets the shit kicked out of him tomorrow. He really needs to win or his goose will be close to being cooked.
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