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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. I can't go along with much of Leeb's voting record. Pro retroactive immunity (for the telecoms), pro -Iraq war, and on and on.
  2. 4/2/73 -Boston Here Comes Sunshine > Space > Me and Bobby McGee. One of my favorite pieces of GD music from all of '73. One of those "how do they do that?" kind of segues. Rest of the show is not too shabby either.
  3. Allman Brothers Band - MTV Unplugged Seven Turns Tour
  4. One of the great music docs imo. Definitely worth checking out - in fact I think I'll bust it out and watch it. It's been a long time.
  5. Cheers to the Nature Boy. After all the bad news from the wrestling world in the last few years it's good to see him go out in style.
  6. Awesome! First Jeff, then Bruce - the kid's gettin' a good education I'd say.
  7. D'oh! I was still half asleep when I started this thread this AM. Thanks for pointing that out.
  8. I remember Gil doing a show at the Vogue in Indy. 21 and over place. I was 20. So sadly, I've never caught him live. The guy just has so many songs that are powerful statements on the human condition. Simple titles like "Gun", "Alien", "The Bottle"...that deal with complex issues that are still with us today.
  9. Today I will celebrate one of America's great voices of conscience and freedom. Gil Scott-Heron is 59 years old today. What Bob Dylan is to rock, and Bob Marley is to reggae, so Gil is to R&B/Soul. His words and music have changed many lives. Unfortunately he has never received the accolades that I believe he is due. Even more unfortunate - he seems to have fallen on hard times in the last decade or so. I hope that he can get it together so he can get back out there and share his genius with the world. We need him now more than ever. Here's a later clip (1990) of Gil doing one of my
  10. By the year 2020 El Famous will have a high-profile gig as the official "band biographer", and will write a tome as big as a phone book detailing the 40 year history of U2. Seriously though El Kev - I did enjoy your blog.
  11. Yeah, this "scorched earth" style of campaigning is beginning to wear out its welcome for me - and it isn't helping her either, if the polls are any indication. I read the other day where Pat Leahy ( a guy I think pretty highly of ) was suggesting that it's time to get out of the race. PLUS - there's still much talk around here about Evan Bayh being given serious consideration for her pick as VP. I've said it before, but the guy isn't fit to carry his old man's (Birch) jockstrap. He's disappointed me too many times with his voting record - most recently voting to allow immunity for the warra
  12. Yeah - it may not be original, but if you're gonna steal, steal from the best. I know Poon and others mentioned Gilmour, but I've always been of the opinion that Dave's solo on "Time" might just be the most perfectly recorded solo ever. I always get this image of him standing in an open field, with stacks of amps as big as skyscrapers just blasting the sounds for miles and miles.
  13. God, Bobby...just release it on vinyl only, that'll show those music-stealing sunsabitches.
  14. Days, you really should add Stravinsky to that list. The Firebird and The Rite of Spring are both awesome, and were considered fairly controversial for the time (the 1910s).
  15. Texas was the only team I had in the Final Four that wasn't a #1. Damn.
  16. We all had a real good time Somebody told me I was out of my mind Yes we all had a real good time I couldn't stop myself from feelin' fine
  17. Nice call Drew. This thing was turning into 'worst song ever" territory. Whether or not you dig the strange vocal bits you gotta admit that is one KILLER guitar riff on that one. Play it LOUD.
  18. Oh God yes. How about his patented twin-lead attack on things like "Keep Yourself Alive"? It just burns into your brain. I need to mention Jeff Beck's amazing crying tone on ""Cause We've Ended As Lovers" - just so beautiful. Nearly all of "Blow By Blow" and "Wired" have an incredibly elastic sound that showcases JB's strengths - unpredictablity, crazy harmonics, etc. His approach is just really unique to my ears (especially during that period).
  19. The story of that stealth "show" is pretty damn cool though. Smuggling in the gear in a Wonder Bread truck, etc.
  20. Cool idea! I agree with Marc Ford circa SH&MC. Carlos and the infinite sustain - think of the solo on Europa The Bakersfield twang of David Nelson's Telecaster in the NRPS The laser-beam intensity of Robert Fripp's "Frippertronics" - and the highly squeezed, compressed textures of his partner Adrian Belew My favorite (hands down) Jerry's sound when he does a run at the "Tiger" - that otherworldly sound from the '72-'73 meltdowns I'll think of more later.
  21. That youtube footage is strange. I've seen that stuff before and they're actually playing "New Potato Caboose", not "Golden Road". I wonder why they dubbed GR in.
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