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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. They do an absolutely great job covering Syd/Floyd's "Astronomy Domine".
  2. Thanks for the heads up - that might be the one, I'll have to check it out. My dear friend Jack has a framed 8X10 of Bowie in the lab coat. He's the dude responsible for turning me on to much of the AACM stuff, and Rahsaan, etc. I would love for you guys to meet up sometime. Kindred spirits.
  3. That's cool as hell Mrs. Peel. Thanks for the heads up - that sounds like something I'd enjoy.
  4. The first thing I ever played for my Mom was YHF. I prefaced the record for her by saying "this is one of the best albums I've ever heard" (of course, I'm given to hyperbole ). I asked later on what she thought. Her response: "It's a bit too wierd for me, and that guy singing sounds like he's tired, or burned out, or something". No shit. I bought her SBS last year for her birthday, telling her to give 'em another chance. She loved the record. I guess there's something in this band for nearly everyone. Even a woman pushing 70. Next goal - drag her and the old man to a show.
  5. Blues Power Rock. That's a pretty apt description. LZ and DP are definitely blues-based, moreso than some of the others mentioned. Many of the melodies of the metal bands have an almost classical feel to them.
  6. I know what he'd tell you - "This is our country".
  7. Yeah. For me it might be a few years earlier but I understand what you mean. It could be intelligently argued that most of the stuff I dug in HS in the late seventies was not metal. It seems like the whole idea sort of came after the original Sabbath broke up - when Dio joined Sabbath, and Priest, Maiden, Scorpions etc started to become really big that's when the thing really seemed to take on a life of its own. The shame of all of this is once metal began to become a successful entity you started to have your Def Leppards and whatnot...pop bands taking some of the format and cheesing it up.
  8. Yeah, "Sad Wings" and "Stained Class" are definitely heavy. Stuff like Victim of Changes and Beyond the Realms of Death are killer tunes. Around the time of "British Steel" they seem to have made a concious decision to try for a more mainstream appeal. Point of Entry and Screaming continued in that vein. Those are ok records, but nowhere near as good as SWOD or SC. Point of Entry was the last one I bought. We've talked about this before, but Unleashed in the East is a great live record (although I think it had overdubs).
  9. Lou, here's a question for ya: Lester Bowie, the track "Donald Duck". Does this ring a bell to you? I heard this tune on Tony Batton's late-night program many years ago, and I'm wondering if you'd know the LP it's from. Thanks in advance.
  10. There's no question in my mind that Sabbath is the best - at least I'll say that they are my favorite. No one else even comes close. I'll go with Judas Priest as #2, the main reason being I'm not overly familiar with Motorhead. It's a fine line indeed between the hard rock of bands like Purple and Zep, and heavy metal. Here's a good question - who started the genre? Was it the first Jeff Beck Group with lps like Beck-Ola? What about SF's own Blue Cheer? Hendrix? The Stooges? Fuck, I don't know. My metal listening only goes up to about 1980 or so. I tried. ::sends out the bat-signal for
  11. I had Country Joe sign my copy of "Electric Music for the Mind and Body" a couple of years ago at a show he did here. I found him to be a very approachable, down-to-earth guy. In fact I shot the bull with him during a great deal of Paul Kantner's set.
  12. Thanks for the heads up Lou! I'll have to get my hands on this.
  13. TA and JT on Unwelcome Guest? That's cool as hell - way to go Martin! Man, I'd love to hear that sometime.
  14. I'm not a fan of the fade-out where everyone is still playing. Does it count if the fade is on the final note (I'm thinking "Day in the Life" especially)?
  15. Wow. Is it really possible that it's been six weeks since anyone posted in this thing? I found this on page 9! Well, here's my excuse: I think this was the year that my team finally broke my back. I been a Pacers fan my whole life, and I've suffered through some really terrible teams. In the early '80s we even had to do a telethon just to keep the team in Indy. But ever since the 'incident' of November '04 this team has continually disappointed me with their off-court displays of thuggery and bad decisions. What once was at least a respectable franchise has become a laughing stock. Wher
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080412/wl_af...ma_080412140631 I guess I could have put this in any number of threads here, but this one seemed the most appropriate. I don't understand all the flak about Barack's statements. The talking heads seem to think this is more of a fiasco than Rev. Wright. We'll see. I do know this, however - in the town I live in (9400 people) there are 4100 people who are registered to carry a gun ( the Chief of Police gave me the figures) and there are more churches than I can count - at least 2 dozen. So it sounds like he's right on to me. Accusing Obama of be
  17. 25 years ago today: Broome County Arena, Binghampton NY 4/12/83 I: Alabama > Greatest, Bird Song, Minglewood, Peggy-O, Cassidy, Loser, All Over Now, Dupree's, Let It Grow II: Help > Slip > Frank > Sailor > Saint > Terrapin > Drums > Space > Other One > Wharf Rat > NFA E: NFA > Baby Blue This might be my favorite show from all of '83. Seriously, Bird Song 3 songs into the show? PLUS Cassidy and Let It Grow, all in the first set! The second set is fantastic as well...it's as good as it looks on paper. I could be wrong but I'm thinking this was wher
  18. Well, I do love Absolutely Live - the first two sides especially. "I got the poontang blues, top of my head down to the bottom of my cowboy shoes".
  19. Now see, I think the exact opposite - the first two records are very good, the last ones are blues-oriented that, while ok enough, could be done better by any number of other American bands at the time.
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