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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Jesus. I can't believe this happened today. You know what I mean Dan.
  2. Thanks, Oil Can (or should I call you Dennis? ). I'd forgotten this - it's truly awesome.
  3. The most sincere condolences from our family to yours Dunja. Take care.
  4. There used to be a lot of between-song chatter back then. Sadly by the time I got around to seeing the band that was all gone - all you'd hear was "we'll be back in a bit" and "good night".
  5. Nelson and Dawson do sit in for the last couple of tunes in the acoustic set, then NRPS does a set of their own (w/ JG), then 2 electric sets from the GD. It's a Dick's Pick - #8.
  6. That 5/1/70 is a great show. It pales in comparison to the next night, but that's not really fair - 5/2 is an all-timer (to state the obvious).
  7. I can't tell you how many times someone has tried to pose as me at the voting booth.
  8. They're playing in Indy on my friend Alan's (the dude you met in Lafayette) birthday. Off topic - the reunited Return To Forever ( Chick, Al , Stanley!) are in Indy at the end of June. You should come down.
  9. Thanks for the review! I'm seeing the Singers here in about 6 weeks and I'm more excited for that show than any I've seen in a long time.
  10. Yeah! Cafe Press - someone should get to it on this.
  11. Blind Faith - Hyde Park, London 1969 Well All Right, Sea Of Joy, Sleeping In The Ground, Under My Thumb, Can't Find My Way Home, Do What You Like, Presence Of The Lord, Means To An End, Had To Cry Today
  12. Can you imagine the level of self-censorship it must require to know nearly everything you say is being recorded for posterity? I wouldn't last 5 minutes in that cauldron.
  13. I agree that it shouldn't be an issue (and to me it's not), but it sure was giving the talking heads fits last night.
  14. I don't care what you say I never played the same games you play I'm at the end of my rope So get out of my way Let me by I got better things to do with my time I don't care anymore
  15. What about the "washed sheet of blots" stories? We had to cut up the pants leg into squares and everyone just sat around and chewed on a piece of jean material. (j/k )
  16. Afterglow What a beautiful song. The tour with Bruford/CT ("Seconds Out") was really fine imo.
  17. My wife doesn't mind Phish - in fact she used to go see them with me in the '90s. But after Garcia died and the whole scene exploded with some of the worst aspects of Dead Tour, she began to actively hate 'em - the fans, anyway. Still, when that last tour came around she went to those Deer Creek '04 shows with me (along with my kids, who were old enough by then to expose to the 'scene'). I thought it appropriate that the last notes I ever heard the band play was Page's somber ending to the "Coil". Damn, I miss those guys.
  18. Christ, MORE bad news from the Obama camp. Evidently his campaign manager has made controversial remarks ("those who would vote against Obama on reasons of race are probably firmly in the McCain camp anyway"). I'm not going to question the validity of the statement, but you have to wonder what would cause the guy to say such a thing. Definitely not PC.
  19. Remember when we used to hear warnings about dangerous PCB levels? I always assumed they were talking about too much Phil Collins Band on the radio. I keed though. Top-flight drummer. Just not too crazy about him being a frontman.
  20. Doesn't sound trite to me at all. It sure beats the hell out of the history that was made between November and December of '00 - I really felt beat down after all of that. This stuff is energizing. As long as there is time to heal we WILL witness history in November. Won't we?
  21. Well, you know I hope you're wrong about IN - it's really going to be close! I think the "why can't Barack close it?" argument is being used as a weapon by the media, for the most part. Lets face it - HRC is a very formidable opponent, and public taste is fickle and fleeting. The media perpetuates this in my opinion. I've heard so much spin in the last month I swear sometimes my head's gonna explode. But this thing IS fun, if you ask me...even if I do regularly check my blood pressure now.
  22. The String Cheese Incident - Palace Theatre, Louisville KY 4/17/02 Possibly the best SCI show I ever saw (out of 20 or so).
  23. What about if they're viewed through a "thoroughly soaked, stupid looking white sort of male person's conservative kind of middle-of-the-road COTTON UNDERGARMENT" ?
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