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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. New Madrid. I wish I could have been there to see that.
  2. This is a prime example of why our health care system is in a shambles.
  3. 1) HWY 61 2) Blood on the Tracks 3) Blonde on Blonde 4)Infidels 5) The Times They Are A-Changin' 6)Bringing It All Back Home 7)Oh Mercy 8)Good As I've Been.. 9)Shot Of Love 10)Love And Theft *studio only
  4. Awesome! I'm sure he wasn't the first, but Bird certainly had obsessive/compulsive fans in his day that would rival any of the Deadheads. I can't remember the dude's name, but in the fine book BIRD -The Legend Of Charlie Parker by Robert Reisner there was talk of this guy who would catch as many of Bird's shows as he could, archiving his music on an old reel-to-reel recorder. He wouldn't even tape the whole song - to save tape he'd just record Bird's solos!
  5. This is a great day. I am very happy for this decision - it's been way too long in my opinion, and I only hope that this is just the beginning. That being said, the timing is not so good - just what we need : the old divisive issue rears its head again just in time for the election cycle. Like it or not the christian conservatives will use this (as they did in '04) to fire up their constituency and garner votes. I've never understood it but some folks think the fate of our moral compass hinges on issues like this (and gays in the military, etc.).
  6. Don't forget #7! The Playin' on there is THE SHIT. Might be my favorite version ever.
  7. That would keep the boogie freaks in line!
  8. 40 minutes of Dark Star? Holy shit! Did they do "What's Become of the Baby"?
  9. Illinois..Louisiana..and now northern Mississippi. Hmmm.
  10. Have a great day Crow, and keep on keepin' on!
  11. I really,really hope your wrong Bjornicus. If she takes the low road and sabotages the Dem's chances in November she will shred any political capital she currently has ( future Senate Majority Leader, etc etc) and destroy the Clinton brand forever. As it stands now I don't think that has happened - yet. I'm hoping all of this is a barganing chip for some kind of a real important spot in the next Administration. The best case scenario (it's probably a pipe dream) is to have this all worked out in advance: Barack offers her the VP slot (to appease her supporters), she politely refuses ( there
  12. Fantastic! That sounds like the folks in SF must have had a real good time.
  13. Mike Dukakis was on the tube tonight (interviewed by John King) giving his ideas on what Obama should do. Good Lord. I couldn't stomach watching all of it.
  14. And 19 pledged delgates - that would completely negate the 12 HRC picked up in WV.
  15. Blasphemy! I do love Grace Under Pressure though.
  16. The Kinks - A Gallon Of Gas I've been waiting for years to buy a brand new Cadillac But now that I've got one I want to send it right back I can't afford the gas to fill my luxury limousine But even if I had the dough no one's got no gasoline I went to my local dealer to see if he could set me straight He said there's a little gas going but I'd have to wait But he offered some red-hot speed and some really high-grade hash But a gallon of gas can't be purchased anywhere for any amount of cash I can score you some coke and some grade one grass But I can't get a gallon of gas I've got some
  17. I always wanted to have a Kinks cover band project and call it "Low Budget".
  18. That's cool as hell. I've followed these guys for 30+ years (first show,'78) and I've always liked the first LP, but to see the original incarnation must have been something.
  19. This isn't just a win, this is a serious ass-kickin'. I can never remember a front-runner getting beat this soundly this late in the primaries.
  20. If there is anyone here that actually saw Rush with John Rutsey, please speak up. I've never known anyone who has.
  21. Not surprised, just disappointed.
  22. The more things change, the more they stay the same (at least in IN): http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24588813
  23. Jesus H. Christ. I would expect something like this to happen in India-no-place, but Chicago? As Kris said, this is just totally fucked up. Nice job posting up the #s of the Aldermen, Dr. Steve. I'll hope for the best for you all.
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