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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. So true. In many ways it seems like we never have really recovered. In William Manchester's The Glory and the Dream '68 was called "The Year Everything Went Wrong".
  2. Congrats, Tug! 13 years to go here - of course this is after 12/21/12 so who gives a fuck anyway.
  3. Any of the following are essential imo: #2 - 7/16/94 - a crazy sick Antelope - lots of yelling and screaming, and a fantastic Hood #10 - 5/7/94 - the uber Tweezer - segues in and out of a number of tunes. #20 - 12/29/94 - one of best loved Bowies - very experimental Yeah, I'm a sucker for '94.
  4. OK, I know this isn't After The Show but wtf. Scott kicked my ass all night long on the drums - he's really really good. I recognized some of the pieces, but much of the set was new to me. They did an Ornette tune. I thought about suggesting they do a Braxton tune since yesterday was his birthday. I also got to meet $3.63 - that was nice. Very sweet person. She also told me you said hi. This show was right up my alley. Mind = blown.
  5. I was lucky enough to catch both sets in Indy tonight. My first time seeing the NCS and it was a wonderful time. Words escape me right now.
  6. What a wonderful article. I REALLY hope Tom isn't just putting out some spin there. A healthy Big Red is the best of all possible news from the Phish camp. I wish him the best.
  7. Nels Cline Singers - SoundWood Jam - Sweetwater, Mill Valley CA 6/25/02 Intro, Something About David H., Drum Solo, Sunken Song, Suspended Head, Lucia, Cause For Concern E: Homecoming*, Outro * w/ Henry Kaiser (gtr) and Danielle DeGrutolla (cello)
  8. This post made me smile from ear to ear. I'm glad you were there. The last 4 years in particular have been a pretty soul-crushing experience. The energy you felt in that room shows how ready folks are to get back on the right track.
  9. The part when a very drunk JG tells Janis that "I've loved you ever since the first time I set eyes on you" always tears me up. You can just tell by the look in his eyes that he totally means what he's saying.
  10. She gave no indication of this in her speech, but all the blabber on the tube about a possible independent campaign is just too horrifying to think about.
  11. I actually thought it was pretty good. He started with a number of seemingly earnest questions about what it's like behind the scenes and then, once he had SM saying the things he wanted him to say, went right after him, and the Administration, for being the lying creeps that they are. As THDW and others have stated, if there were any real justice the whole lot of 'em would be hauled off to prison. They are sick sick people.
  12. Man, the way those people in New York were chanting Denver! Denver! was a little unnerving. All I could think was "Oh Dear God, NO!"
  13. Since many of my favorites have already been mentioned, I'll throw "Bittersweet Motel" out there. - for good and for ill.
  14. Great. Now if she only will work for the party and convince here supporters to do the same.
  15. I don't think you're being oversensitive man. It seems to me that nearly everything I (perhaps naively) took for granted about this country - not torturing, the system of checks and balances, etc., has been turned upside down. It's really overwhelming. When you combine Dubya's sheer incompetence with Cheney's inherent evilness it DOES boggle the mind. I really hope it's not too late to turn things around. It's not a coincidence that the mantra of 'change' is so appealing right now.
  16. Another man who is deserving of the GD Honor Roll - Alton Kelley passed away over the weekend. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Lammy. A framed poster of Skullfuck has graced a wall in the 'stereo room' since the day I moved in here. 14 years this month. http://rockindownthehighway.blogspot.com
  17. In their heyday (before Cippolina left) Quicksilver's take on "Who Do You Love" was one of their best jamming tunes. Still one of the great live LPs ever ("Happy Trails"). Thanks, Bo. Keep the groove goin' up there.
  18. Thanks for the reminder Ian! I'm gonna pull that one right now.
  19. Hey $3.63 - if you're coming to Indy I'll be the dude with a navy blue Wilco cap on (summer '05). Look forward to meeting you.
  20. Thanks for bumping this, and your opinions from last night. I'm REALLY looking forward to Wednesday - I could use some face-melting!
  21. Not only that, he's addicted to marijuana. OMG he's a goner now - that stuff will KILL you.
  22. I didn't know that Lou Dobbs was on the board!
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