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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. That song is a good example of the breadth and scope of the GD songbook. I caught that song more times than I can count. Sometimes, it was just a first set filler yawnfest. But if Jer was on it could really rip your face off. The thing that is interesting to me about West LA is that there is no rhythm from the guitars or bass - it's ALL lines...counterpoint.
  2. That '91 MSG run is pretty good - in fact, the 9/10 show with Branford is outstanding. Should have been a Dick's Pick imo.
  3. When all is said and done the best-case scenario (imo) is RP changing his mind and running a third-party candidacy. That would undoubtably fracture the Republicans even more than they already are. I also think that whoever gets the nod no the Dem side should give serious consideration to Sen. Joe as a possible VP or Sec. of State. I could get behind a Obama/ Biden ticket - haven't I said this before?
  4. I'm curious who Kendrick is pulling for. I'd assume his buddy Tim Ryan would be going with his fellow Rep from Ohio. I really hope something totally unexpected happens.
  5. Honestly, I find this shit exciting. I wish I could take a hit day tomorrow and just glue myself to the TV.
  6. I live less than 20 miles from Deer Creek (I refuse to call it Verizon). I've seen hundreds of shows there. We drove to that show and the closest we could get was 4 miles away. Four consecutive 15 minute miles walking and we went through the gates just as the first song was starting. But those 4 miles... I've seen a lot of lot scenes but this was just way different. The vibe was just so dark - I'd been to the Snake Pit (when it was still The Snake Pit) at the Indy 500 back in the day and it had that same sort of black decadence, like a Hell's Angels thing. It totally creeped me out but we just
  7. Exactly. It does baffle me somewhat that the younger voters are so enamored with a 75 year old man with like 15 grandkids. That's pretty unusual by itself. I wouldn't consider him senile, just misguided. It seems ironic to me that Carter lost in '80 to someone who was kind of senile and preached about less government.
  8. Carter had 3% of the vote in Dec. '75. Just for the sake of argument.
  9. I have listened to live Grateful Dead shows on pretty much a daily basis for 25 years. I'll go through phases with other bands from time to time but I never get tired of the GD. Really.
  10. Agreed. Absolutely not cool. Those rotten bastards just moved on and did the same thing at Phish shows after '95.
  11. "All good things in all good time". I signed on for the whole trip. I personally hope to be discovering gems when I'm in my rocking chair.
  12. I completely understand this. The drug thing was an imposition at best, and regarding the gate-crashing I'll just say this: when the fences at Deer Creek came down I was in the 6th row with my friend who I had followed the GD with for 15 years and we both just looked at each other and said (at the same time) "well, this is the last straw for me - NO MORE!" One of the saddest days of my life - it had to happen in my backyard you know.
  13. Not to mention passing SCHIP.
  14. Oh well. I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier. Anyway, I don't have any of those shows David listed - but from the same time frame, 11/2/69 has one of the best Dark Stars I've heard from '69. Check it out! edit: Bjorn I think we've talked about this before, but that Dew is outstanding!
  15. Thanks for posting this - are we done with that other thread? Cause I had fun with that one.
  16. You said something there sister.
  17. That was ME taping the show you crazy old coot. You didn't notice the Neumanns clipped to each ear?
  18. I will up the show later in the day. FLAC only. If you ask for mp3 I'll kick you in the eye.
  19. Edie, the most sincere condolences from the Leavells to the Hirtensteins. We think the world of you.
  20. Well said, Lou. In the case of the GD (and Dylan too) by the time I got to see those guys the event itself had somehow already eclipsed the actual concert. I'm not sure exactly when this happened but it was already in place by '81 for sure. FWIW the Dan Hicks show I saw this month was outstanding, both musically and in terms of presentation. Hicks might be the best I've ever seen with the between song banter. Just the epitome of cool.
  21. I see your point but then again if you're playoff bound and your best player(s) go down in a meaningless game the faithful will call for the coach's head on a stick.
  22. Yep. JG said something to the effect that to be onstage with the adoring throngs looking up at you comes perilously close to fascism. That's why he was REAL concerned about not preaching from the stage...with the Dead's crowd, especially, there were too many folks out there with a head full of snakes that might misinterpret you know.
  23. Regarding Jay's onstage demeanor - I think we may get back to the old argument of Art/Entertainment. As long as the music sounds great I personally don't give a shit what is going on with crowd interaction, gestures etc. Of course, I spent 15 years of my life going all over the place to see Garcia stare at the floor for most of the night.
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