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mountain bed

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Everything posted by mountain bed

  1. Did anyone catch Heaven & Hell in concert last night on the tube? (VH1 Classic?) They sounded just the way you'd want them to sound. I caught the last half - Heaven & Hell (the song) had Tony taking his long, dark solos, and Neon Knights had him tearing up the fretboard just as he did when the record came out. Both Tony and Geezer looked fantastic, especially given their age. Ol' Leather Lungs looked like death warmed over (but sounded really good), and Vinnie looked like he needed to push himself away from the buffet table. But I would love to catch these guys if they ever came to I
  2. That book is a really good read. I remember after I read it I emailed the author, telling him how much I dug his scholarship and passion for the music. He actually wrote me back - a VERY nice, long letter. I dunno if he ever got it out, but he did tell me he was working on a bio of Eno.
  3. Nice find. Have you ever seen the "skits" Al & Tom did for the Radio City '80 shows? That bit where they barge into Jerry And Phil's 'dressing room' is fun stuff.
  4. There's something about "ELT" that I just HAVE to sing along to. I don't know if it's the harmonies, the words themselves, or what.
  5. Nice call. Just for the sake of argument (actually I just feel compelled to mention them) I'll go with Trane, Elvin Jones, McCoy Tyner and Jimmy Garrison. That early/mid-sixties band was THE SHIT. Best quartet ever? Hmmm... In Rock, for me it's The Grateful Dead, and then a whole bunch of bands way down below them. OK, I WILL mention The classic lineup of The David Nelson Band (DN, Barry Sless, Mookie Seigel, Bill Laymon, and Charlie Crane). PLEASE check these guys out - no band has an Americana take on tunes like these guys, they're right up there with The Dead or the Band, imo.
  6. It was very thoughtful of you to give me a holler on the phone after the show. The enthusiasm in your voice (and Jim's) made my day, and made me wish I would've been there. Have a good week!
  7. This is gonna be AWESOME. I sure wish Wheelco was still around here. He must be drooling over this. In response to Hardwood, that '73 London show is killer! Wheel sent me that one, and the Jan. '75 LLDOB show, and a couple others. All of it is essential listening imo.
  8. That's exactly right. When Deer Creek first opened ('89) the local yokels, and the papers treated The Dead coming as some kind of 'invasion of the huns', or something. They were actually really freaked out by the situation. By about the third summer they (and you should know that the county DC sits in is about 95% Republican) came to the realization that this was a goldmine they had never anticipated. Grocery stores treated it like another 4th of July, local farmers started offering their land for camping, etc. Some people I know that owned land around the DC area were literally running brie
  9. I agree with this statement 1000%.
  10. Sunsabitch. We DO live in a very strange world, but that is truly beyond the pale.
  11. If the economy doesn't get any better it will be the best opportunity for a 3rd party candidate we've seen in a long, long time. Palin is divisive even within her own party. That crazy bitch doesn't stand a snowball's chance.
  12. I was just thinking about posting up that 7/6/84 setlist today. It got many spins around here. Alpine Valley shows were never known for being real spacey, byt they would do the cowboy stuff and kick serious ass with them. And Let It Grow was always special there - all the green surroundings. Nice to see David loving 7/7/89 - I LOVE that show. Really, from Summer Solstice '89 on that was the beginning of the band's last great period, all the way to Fall '91, when the bottom began to fall out. I saw a ton of shows then. My parents would be all "Damn, boy! You're going out again?" "But Dad, t
  13. Glad to hear you had a great time! I've heard the Brother, and set II from that show and it was, indeed, a killer.
  14. OK, here we go again! 15 major titles - a new record. 50 aces in one match! This guy just continues to blow my mind. Another fantastic final. That last set was one for all time. I'll say it now - this guy is the best.
  15. Hope your day was everything you'd hope for, b2!
  16. I have most of their stuff. The most interesting is a 2 CD thing I got from Collector's Choice. Disc 1 is titled 'Live'68' and is really really smokin'. They tear into "Back Door Man" so fiercely you'd almost forget about The Doors version, and their take on the old song "Codine' is almost scary. I know we've talked about John Cippolina here before, but MAN, he was a true original. I loved his playing so much.
  17. Yeah, I think "Get Together" was his (under the pseudonym 'Chet Powers'). I kinda liked the twangy vocals - "The Hat" is a favorite of mine, and "Gone Again", too. Really, alot of the Dino-era stuff sounds so much like they were baked on strong weed to me. REAL laid back - almost the polar opposite of the frenetic, psychedelic sound of Happy Trails.
  18. Nice! I need to get this asap. I think you are right about Graham managing Cold Blood. It's really too bad there is little or no footage of the ORIGINAL QMS - at the time of this film they had been pretty much taken over by Dino, who, although he wrote some good tunes, was an egomaniac of the highest degree.
  19. So...it may be 30 years later than he predicted, but I guess we have now officially entered the Al Franken Decade.
  20. Yeah, is Albert Goldman still alive and kickin'? Seriously though - there will probably be more sick-making 'biographies' about this guy than any pop-culture icon who's ever lived. And, the thing to me is, why? I'd readily admit that MJ's music is not my thing (at all) but the public's (and the media's) infatuation with this story just leaves me dumbstruck.
  21. I just returned home from the WORLD PREMIERE of "British Steel". Dudes, my ears are ringing - but I had such a fantastic time! The Priest came right out and did the whole LP right at the start. Halford had the crowd eating out of his hand. Still a great frontman. The whole band appeared to be having a great time. And the crowd was as cranked up as any crowd I've ever seen - they knew seeing these guys in a 2000 seat theatre was a special treat. After the LP they wasted no time - went right into a savage "Ripper". Other highlights for me were Victim Of Changes, and Diamonds And Rust. They e
  22. Yeah. To mention someone who is still alive - how many of us love the music of Zeppelin? I grew up idolizing Jimmy Page. But (according to the sordid "Hammer Of The Gods") Jimmy's main squeeze in LA was a 14 year old girl (Lori Maddox). Sick.
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