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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Sublime has a bunch of good tunes. My chick turned me on to some live shit that I don't mind on car drives.
  2. Wild. Winwood was like 14 when he joined the Spencer Davis Group and like 16 when Gimme Some Lovin' was written/recorded. Crazy.
  3. This thing's pretty good. Some stuff I hadn't heard/read before, more on the personal/behind-the-scenes level. Only skimmed it so far.
  4. Oops, '82, correct! The UVM show in '83 is solid, too....shitty quality as it was in a school gym, but solid show.
  5. Day Job started as a first set closer, iir. The problem wasn't necessarily the tune itself, but the slot it settled in (encore). And '83 is a kick-ass year. Try the Charlottesville show, too. Awesome Aiko out of Space.....
  6. Sweet. Alone Together is one of my all-time favorite albums.
  7. That'd be pretty badass if he could drum for a LZ reunion....
  8. I love the Sugar Mag tease before they switch into Good Lovin'....that's a good show.
  9. As much as I love this version (and have listened to it probably 6-7 times since the winter holidays because it's in the wife's car rotation still), the Stones still kick the shit out if the tune.Even the album version is still better, imo. Love that Keith plays bass on the original, too, as he did on one of the best Stones tunes ever, "Street Fighting Man".
  10. Don't know much about Slaid Cleaves (have one disc) but I really like that tune "Wishbones".
  11. Sorry, I'm in Denver, actually. Just thinking about your gig tonight that you posted the other day. Have fun tonight and hope you get a good crowd.
  12. That sounds really interesting. Wonder if I can get it here in Denver....
  13. That's Neal Casal on lead. I like his playing a bunch, too. He also plays lead in Todd Snider's new band Hard Working Americans (w/ Dave Schools on bass, etc.).
  14. He really is a great drummer. There's another side project he's doing now with Jello Biafra and dudes from Corrosion of Conformity and Slipknot and shit. Dude has his hand in a lot of different projects.
  15. I picture Cobain becoming more Neil Young-ish in terms of kind of pulling a hat down low on stage and cranking out some great tunes and living, relatively, out of the limelight. There's supposedly an acoustic album he was working on that doesn't have a lot of the edge that Nirvana tunes had that, supposedly, Love is adamant about not wanting to have it released and Grohl and Krist want it out. Whatever, though, he's gone.
  16. I'd say no, as well, if Nirvana were still playing under the assumption. Grohl's like one of the biggest biggest names in the music biz these days and it's intersting to think what would have been had Cobain lived. At least for me it is.
  17. Never got the Warlocks shows (save for tapes). Might need to look into that. Those were some smokin' shows.
  18. Why? Neil Young is still alive.... I wonder if Dave Grohl would be as big as he is today had the Cobain lived.
  19. Cobain would have been 47 today had Courtney not had him offed.
  20. Big whoop. I bet if I went to a doctor today there's tons of shit he'd/she'd tell me I don't have.
  21. I loved it, too, hence buying the discs. I just thought the Deluxe edition or whatever I got spliced it up and left too many parts out. The scene when Billy busts out of the jail after finding the stashed gun in the outhouse was cut!!
  22. Haven't seen the film Duck but will keep my eyes out for it. I have seen that Peckinpah flick, though, a couple times. Still haven't seen Straw Dogs, though....
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