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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I don't know you but I wish the best to you. Sounds like you've beat this thing before and here's to a resounding victory in this round, as well.
  2. Dylan wearing a wig? That's preposterous. "While they’re beating the devil out of a guy who’s wearing a powder blue wig." "I had my white shorts rolled up past my waist And my wig-hat falling in my face But they wouldn't let me on the tennis court"
  3. At the risk of being laughed out of Dodge, I am not a huge Dark Star fan myself. While I appreciate it's often intricate and free-form frame, it's not at the top of my favorite GD tunes "list". It's generally thought of as the quintessential "jam" springboard for the band, particularly in the early days of the band (late 60s/early 70s).
  4. I met him at a Moe show here in Denver a month or so ago while he was shooting. I totally agree on his new style being less favorable to the eye than his earlier shots (imo). Looks like everyone is always dirty (insert "well, he DOES shoot a lot of Jam band shows") or is a Rodin sculpture or something.
  5. Tinnitus you familiar with Jay Blakesberg's work at all?
  6. I was thinking the same. Or, like Pringles, "Once you pop you can't stop"....
  7. I wonder if Phil Spector is allowed to wear wigs in the pen'.
  8. Not sure what difference it makes whether an addictive substance is legal or not. Of course it makes no sense to have drugs while in recovery but he obviously was in relapse, and the amount he had makes sense. If he was an alcoholic in relapse and drank himself to death it wouldn't be surprising if a shit ton of booze was found in his apartment.....
  9. To be fair, there can be plenty of stupid shit when it comes to religion.
  10. I actually really like "Don't You Honey Me". Even though it's got cheesy lyrics, it hits me. I like "What Light" a bunch too. "Just a Kid" is one of my favorite Wilco tunes, too. Doesn't seem to get a lot of mention/love. I haven't really listened to the albums that came after Sky Blue Sky yet, and probably should....
  11. Same with just about any drug/booze addiction: the more you do and the longer you do it the more you need to achieve a buzz/high.
  12. Likely Satan took Sir Stewart over momentarily. Which only proves that there is a "God".
  13. Jesus himself wasn't even a Christian. How can anyone trust him?
  14. I agree. I've had an outer body experience but nothing that makes me necessarily believe in a "God". However, I've met and read and heard from plenty of people who can assuredly say that they have.
  15. Well, I'm gonna play God and change that Wikipedia answer. Then we'll see who the scientist is....
  16. Question is really: who created Wikipedia? it certainly isn't Scientific, either.....
  17. If he had as many in his apt. as reported (around 70), they were likely $10 and/or $20 bags. Some were likely there for a couple years, as they had been out of circulation for awhile. I don't know what his current and/or dependency was but a lot of heavy users can go through 2-3 of those bags easily in a day.
  18. Ah. No worries. I don't teach Religion. Just Math, Science, Social Studies, Writing, Reading, English Language Development, personal safety, hygiene, social skills, etc.
  19. I believe in a combination of the two. Kind of like the hermaphrodite of origination theory, if you will. With a lot of other stuff thrown in the mix, too, though. I'm more interested in covering all my bases, in the end.
  20. I just can't bring myself to call most versions of any tune definitively "the finest" or likewise, as often what I'm in the mood to hear changes so much. One of my favorite GDTRFBs is from Fillmore 4.25.71. Bob's voice get's all hoarse at the end and it's sandwiched between a killer NFA. The whole set is top-notch, actually.
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