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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. I had an avocado tree in San Diego named after me that died, too. Life is miserable.
  2. 6) Pics of a young Sophia Loren in a bathing suit 7) Video of paint drying
  3. If onions are the devil's testicles, shallots are the taint.
  4. I could go for that. Like on the grill? Maybe lubed with olive oil and some finely minced garlic?
  5. There're bugs and parasites in a lot of shit we eat. They help to break down the food we devour. Helps to keep us trim.
  6. Except that they would then be mis-categorized. Brussels sprouts are tolerable if butter, salt and pepper are involved and broccoli is tolerable if it's steamed and butter or cheese are involved.
  7. Lima beans. Pretty much good for nothing.
  8. Holy fuck me too. Always hate that shit, AND, they often pan to it during shit like Garcia doing the "test me, test" line in Bertha or right before a transition in a tune/jam. Stupid, stupid shit.
  9. J.S. Bach. It took a while, but when I gave him a shot it clicked. Dude could play some keys.
  10. I didn't find it challenging to read at all, just didn't like what I read so stopped reading it.
  11. Nobody listens to the (new) Avett Bros. anymore.....
  12. No, but I, too, have tried several times. My brother gave it to me as a gift a bunch of years ago and said I'd love it but I just can't seem to get into it. Pretty sure it's a fave of NoJ's, though.
  13. The promo shot I just from Live Nation announcing the show had a chick in it that looks nothing like a Deal.
  14. Apparently The Pixies are playing here in Feb. Didn't know they still toured.
  15. I read Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea on a beach in Cape Cod about 6 yrs ago. Seemed apt.
  16. Shane is mid-50 now, as well. Living hard often makes little difference in longevity.
  17. I finished The Sound and the Fury, though it was a struggle. I ditched Naked Lunch after about 4 pages. Started in again on a Flannery O'Connor anthology. Read half of You Can't Be Any Poorer Than Dead last night before falling asleep. I hope it end well....
  18. Not big on the audience recordings too much these days but can handle the matrix stuff....
  19. If anyone cares, David talking about new release on ustream tonight: http://www.relix.com/blogs/detail/david_lemieux_discusses_new_daves_picks_release
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