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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. FWI, NoJ, lucky rabbit heads are coming back into style. If you haven't already, get yourself some of that keychain stuff.
  2. Gotta say, can't find anything really wrong with these sentiments. I'd add that the plate keeps getting added to, as well, as more testing and data are required to be collected in order to drive instruction. Teachers now get evaluated (at least in Denver) by not only administrators, but "peer" observers from outside the school, as well as students on a yearly survey.These all factor into teacher effectiveness and can, ultimately, lead to dismissal (after opportunities for professional development have proven ineffective). Although I'd guess that not a lot of jobs allow outsiders and client
  3. Someone is obviously sending you a message.
  4. Promontory Rider is decent. As much as everyone knows how awesome the guy is as a songwriter, his vocals don't do much for me.
  5. The last year or so Keith was in the band he basically mimicked Garcia's riffs on keys. Got pretty annoying. I don't mind Donna save slaughtering certain parts of certain tunes with the banshee bullshit. Listened to a great late 70s Cassidy the other day and she really enhanced the tune nicely, as she was wont to do. At times. Brent could do little-no wrong in my eyes. At the time and now. Love Keith's earlier sound but Brent was the kick in the ass the band needed at the time.
  6. The man aged! The voice changed just as it did from the 60s to the 70s. I wouldn't classify it as turning to shit/gone, but ear of the beholder. I guess it doesn't bother me as much as others, but I always found it endearing that he was still doing what he did.
  7. Voice went to shit in '82?! His voice was pretty high and whiny at times in '82, '83 and was different from '69 or '77 or whatever but I don't think it went to shit, and certainly not permanently. Listen to JGB shit, too, in 87, 88, 89. The guy sounds crisp, for the most part. Sometimes I think I'm crazy when I hear stuff like his voice becoming an acquired taste at the end of '82. I wonder if people who caught them in the late 60s thought the same afterJerry stopped singing with that weird trilly waver in his voice and exaggerated tone in his voice....
  8. No, and will miss them this Thursday in Denver because I need to get up at 6 a.m. Friday for work and then catch Phish all weekend. Bummer.
  9. I can't honestly think of one show that ws "bad," top to bottom, save for (possibly) my last one at Giant's in '95. There were always good things out of mediocre shows, even.
  10. They never had a bad era, imo, but eras that were better than others. I wouldn't exactly call the summer '95 tour an "era," anyway. Garcia seemed to age/devolve pretty quickly from the end of '94 until the last show. There are still gems of shows after '90, just more far and few between. I can name many nuggets from any era/year that are worth listens, even '95. The band was evolving/changing up until the end with new tunes and shit. I never understood how a fan could write off entire eras. Seems silly to me to neglect oneself, but to each their own. And, '83 was an awesome year for the the
  11. He was on again-off gain with the drugs. Likely as most people are that have addictions.
  12. The answer to the question is yes and no. Yes if you're a pre-teen or young teen girl, and no if you're anyone else.
  13. I understand none of this.
  14. I'd say Garcia's take is less of a blind spot and more of a spot on take. Beyond a couple of years in middle school, I never saw the appeal of the Doors. Morrison always annoyed me, I guess, and I can see Garcia's point about them being surface minus substance.
  15. Great compilation of Garcia quotes/interviews on his musical tastes and collection: http://deadessays.blogspot.com/2013/08/garcias-record-collection.html?showComment=1377264943348#c6993498933874131997 Love this quote by Garcia on The Doors: “I never liked the Doors. I found them terribly offensive… Morrison was just a pure Mick Jagger copy; that was his whole shot, that he was a Mick Jagger imitation…totally stolen from right around Mick Jagger’s 1965 tour of the States… [His] reputation as a poet I thought was really not deserved. Rimbaud was great at 18, 19, and Verlaine. Those g
  16. Bingo. And, I disagree with whoever said that even performers who don't dress up in stage costume are making a statement. A lot of performers just wear whatever the hell they wore all day onto the stage. Of course, what anyone puts on in the morning is a conscious decision/staement I suppose when you get down to it.... Katy Perry should definitely wear what she feels comfortable in, too, on stage such as that outfit she's in above.
  17. Listened to that Yarmouth show as well on Saturday! I really like Far From Me live, as well as Easy to Love You. Built to Last I enjoy a lot, as well. Big fan of LLR, a well, which seems to be pretty disregarded by a lot of heads.
  18. Can't even bother to put an "e" at the end of some words either, eh you lazy sack?
  19. Now the can of worms have been opened.... Supposedly video'ed by Duke students. Not bad for the early-ish technology available at the time.
  20. Right?! I had never seen it before this morning, either! Good lord I've never seen him SO into it.....
  21. If you haven't seen this (U.S. Blues 4.12.78 Duke) you MUST:
  22. You're obviously off your rocker.
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