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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. So what you're saying is Hixter (if that's even his real name) "owns" us because he's packing heat?
  2. A gun is not a weapon. It's a tool. Like a butcher knife, or a harpoon, or a shark.
  3. So no new laws to curb gun ownership because the bad guy will always be a bad guy? Horeseshit. It's a step. Unfortunately for responsible gun owners, this is the same as one bad apple spoils the bunch scenario. There is a problem with guns. It's not the responsible gun owners' onus. But it's still a fact. What is your solution?
  4. Too many firearms, apparently! Plus, weed is legal in several states. I see your point but just because you dig the right to bear an arm of whatever magnitude doesn't quell the fact that the USA obviously has a big problem with guns. That's a fact regardless of which side of the fence you land on.
  5. If firearms, in general, were harder to get there would be less firearms to acquire, legally or illegally. Reduction? I don't know maybe I'm way off.
  6. Maybe, just maybe, though....bad guys could find it more cumbersome to be bad.
  7. There are also hand-held rocket launchers that can take down planes and shit. Hence, a hand weapon, or "hand gun" if you will.
  8. Rocket launchers are hand guns, in a sense.
  9. This guy is still on the loose, huh? Crazy they can't catch him. Anyway, guns don't kill people, bullets do.
  10. I don't hate Donna's vocals through and through, but there are times where it seems like she could have curbed her vocals a bit. Like she was trying to earn her keep or something. She has a really nice voice and I like a lot of her harmonizing/additions to tunes like LLR, Might As Well, Estimated, Eyes, etc. but can do without the banshee screams in Scarlet, Playin', etc. I've seen her with her band here in Denver a few times n she still has a great voice. She did a lot of tunes she used to sing in JGB and she had support with another female singer. Sounded great. Heck, she sang back up for
  11. Feel free to burn me a copy, too, before you re-sell. I'll send the money directly to Rhino.
  12. Over 34" in my old stomping grounds, Guilford/New Haven. Yow.
  13. First "Touch". A little rough (Garcia repeats a couple verses and muffs a lyric or 3) but I like the pace:
  14. Yet, your life is complete without lifting a finger to help in any part of that process, least of which is mailing the fucking things.
  15. Christ, nobody sends Christmas cards anymore!
  16. True. Or they can get a P.O. box in town where mail is delivered on a regular basis. Or, they could stop living in such a state of condition that requires them to have to take medications. Like, perhaps they could walk to town to retrieve their meds and maybe that would help to make them healthier.
  17. Or their porn.... I like Saturday mail. I wish there was Sunday mail, too.
  18. If the USPS folds, some wealthy and innovative person will likely just start up something similar. Maybe Ray Krok or Bam Margera or someone like that.
  19. And kindle will be the death of the library.
  20. Everybody must be out buying crabs shampoo.
  21. There's also a Rider from Berk Community Theatre (I think, it may be a Eugene show, though) from 82-84 era where Garcia sang the "I wish I was a headlight...." part twice. Not a bad part to fuck up on.
  22. He used to muff, in Terrapin, "...strategy was his strength, and not didaster....," fairly often.
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