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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Major outrage, I'd expect. They say the weather is supposed to intensify in the Philly region by tomorrow, which could postpone the game to Wed. I'd assume, if this happens and if TB wins and they head back to TB for Game 6 that they'd still give them a day off in between games 5 and 6 and play game 6 on Fri. If TB won that game and forced a Game 7, they'd be playing a game in Nov. this Saturday.
  2. Selig dodged a bullet by waiting it out a bit and TB getting that tying run. Can you imagine that game being called (I'll assume the weather will keep up tonight as expected) with PHI up a run? Now it has to be resumed.
  3. "Up On the Sun," from Meat Puppet's Up On the Sun. Great entry to a great album.
  4. Ah. Yes. Most of them played on Rolling Thunder, too. I think a few of them were living out there with him, as well.
  5. Plus Dave Crosby and others were popping in to record at the ranch a bunch. Hadn't heard the Band connection before, though....
  6. I'd be willing to bet he was on the payroll, too, even though I think they were all pretty broke around then (no thanks to Lenny Hart). I remember reading that none of them blamed Mickey but he needed the space anyway because of the embarrassment, etc. "He's Gone" was written for that rat, too.
  7. Didn't he record Rolling Thunder during that time? It was only a couple of years....
  8. That clown needs to utilize his spell check, then I'll take him seriously!
  9. I went to those Richmond shows on 11/1, 11/2 and it was the beginning (in my experience) of the undercover parking lot narcs. Lots of busts those two days. Great shows, though.
  10. I think I just took a pill So we'll stop and breath in the leaves Watch them change again They'll breath again. To hold that hand of the other Maybe a Sunday Maybe while switching bed sheets The feelings between. Old face Old hat Old tricks When sideways is the same as right-ways There's time to spare.
  11. From the Philzone: "Get Up & Dance": http://www.philzone.com/merl-recon-get-up-...-1979-03-30.mp3 And merlsaunders.com: Message from Merl Saunders' family: Merl Saunders stood for music and love - his smile alone told you that. We loved him very much - and we know that you, his fans, did too. Sad as we are to lose him, we're very aware of being comforted by the affection coming from all those touched by that smile and that wonderful music. He was a special man, a beautiful companion, father, grandfather, and family patriarch, and the proof of that spirit is in the way you've reached
  12. The thread calls for opening tracks between 1980-2008.... Good selection, though. As would be "Subterranean Homesick Blues."
  13. I've always really liked the '85 SC show, with the "Funiculi Funicula" ->Halloween Space/helicopter sounds-> "Werewolves" opener. Fantastic. All sorts of weird noises throughout the "Werevolves." The entire show is very good, with a scorching "Music" that follows the "Werewolves." http://www.archive.org/details/gd1985-10-3...3590.sbeok.shnf
  14. Hey, this is fantastic news. I hope they do a tour with Avery in the line-up; he really does bring a lot to the band.
  15. Have a great day, Kim! :badger :badger :usa
  16. Don't know about "best" but U2's "Where the Streets Have No Name" off of Joshua Tree would be up there for me. GnR's "Welcome to the Jungle" is a pretty kick-ass intro for an album, too.
  17. Doesn't pretty much every generation pass the debt to the next one? Has it ever been solved? Will there ever be a day where the debt is actually wiped clean? If we just keep passing the buck for eternity we're good, right?
  18. Merl sitting in with the JGB portion of the Garcia tribute Comes A Time three years ago, sharing keys with Melvin, on the one tune he did that day, "Deal." I remember he was pretty much using just one hand. What a youthful look, though!
  19. For the Garcia band. Keyboard. He collaborated with Jerry and the JGB since the early 70s until Garcia's death.
  20. Bummer. He had been ill for awhile, but still. What a good and groovey cat.
  21. oops. Live Bootleg was the one that got incessant play at my house in my youth....
  22. Anybody else been getting inundated with recorded political solicitations the last week? Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm registered as "Independent" and that CO is a "swing" state, but yoinks it's annoying. The ads in the early morning on local t.v. are almost all slams from McCain on the Obama camp (and some the other way) and rips on both Dems and Reps running for state senate, reps, etc. Some of the ads are downright nasty and bum me out even having to listen to the b.s. mud-slinging when all I want is the morning weather forecast.
  23. Very cool, Moe! Heavy yet uplifting night, eh?
  24. Merle suffered a stroke a few years ago and I believe he's pushing mid-70s these days. Too bad, as I've seen/met him a few times and he's a really nice guy (as Moe noted). I caught him in Boulder the night Garcia died. Last I saw him play was a brief appearance at the Comes A Time Garcia tribut at the Greek a few years ago. He sat in (next to, actually) Melvin for a tune or two. Nice gesture, considering his condition even a few years ago....
  25. Toys was in constant rotation at my house for a few years when it came out. But so was Parliament's Mothership Connection, Live: P-Funk Earth Tour, and that ...Placebo Syndrome one....
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