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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Man, this is the second time this week (first time was for Wed.'s BOS/NYY game) that my NESN feed has been in Spanish. WTF?
  2. I think it has less to do with sympathy/empathy and more to do with supporting someone whom, seemingly, is talking out of both sides of her mouth. And more so, supporting a Presidential candidate who would take such a risk in bringing her aboard. It just doesn't seem like a lot of effort was put in by McCain and his group to think it (the nod for Palin) through very well. This isn't to say whether or not she'd be a good VP (regardless of what I think) but that it was perhaps a hasty, risky, and ultimately poor choice to choose a running mate with issues that will spark dissent in their own
  3. According to the reports, she made her own decision... "Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said." http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN2944356420080901
  4. We'll see. It's possible for the McCain campaign to spin it into a positive. I think Biden would be well-advised to let her handle the questions and stay out of it regarding today's news.
  5. There's more dirt being aired about Palin, not just that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant (not that this in itself is "dirt," per se, but that she backs abstinence-only sex ed. and also opted to risk having her daughter nationally exposed/embarrassed(?) when she accepted the VP nomination). Both questionable character judgments to some. Biden has already made his appearance at the Democratic National Convention and people have a positive (at the least, non-dirt/scandal/issue) attitude of him right now. Seems like an obvious uphill battle for McCain/Palin, to me.
  6. Rumors aside and debunked, the truth that's come out, while irrelevant in the eyes of some McCain supporters, may prove to be a death blow in the long run. It'll be interesting to see if the McCain camp can turn a positive spin on it.
  7. And to boot, Obama's said he'd shit-can anybody working for him that leaked any erroneous garbage surrounding the Palin bunk about the baby. Best strategy for his campaign, at least, is to steer clear of comments regarding this situation, even though he seems sincere in his words.
  8. Ignore him until after the election. If this isn't possible, kindly tell him you are no longer (or currently) interested in talking politics with him because you value your friendship. A very conservative and very good pal of mine sparks this kind of shit storm up every now and then and it never ends well. By shit storm, I simply mean pushing buttons and trying to engage in non-productive political "debate" that inevitably turns into nothing more than name-calling.
  9. On the one hand, I think it's legitimate to question McCain's choice for VP considering today's news and how it might throw a monkey wrench into his campaign. Some were already questioning her qualifications based on her limited political life to date, but a personal situation in which potential conflicts with her political viewpoints have emerged might hurt, too. On the other hand, do we want to vote for politicians based, at least partly, on the decisions of their offspring/spouses? It'd be nice to say "no" but the reality is that a lot of people do factor that in. This is a situation
  10. Some have speculated that McCain was unaware of the out-of-wedlock-teenagers' pregnancy prior his selection of Palin, is all. Didn't Palin push for total abstinence sex education in Alaska? That's a straight-up question, not a rhetorical question.
  11. McCain knew of pregnancy prior to VP selection: http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN2944356420080901
  12. Definitely a nice game and too bad about the hit. Looks like he would have had time to get LaRoche had he been able to field the ball, too. Just a hard position to scoop it up I guess.
  13. Looked like a hit to me. He never really gripped the ball so no error. http://mlb.mlb.com/media/video.jsp?mid=200808313397707 ed. I know they appealed the call and it still could be overturned, too.
  14. He really is something. What a great game from him tonight, both offensively and defensively. He's a pleasure to watch.
  15. "Do people sometimes refer to you as 'Murph'?" Follow up question: "How about 'Danny'?"
  16. Mandatory evacuation. Here's hoping for as minimal damage as possible. I posted this in Umm...but it fits here: http://pajamasmedia.com/weathernerd/
  17. Actually, my marriage was terminated.
  18. So because a male can not biologically conceive (no fault of his own, mind you) he automatically gives up any say in whether his offspring comes to full term or not? Seems reasonable.
  19. Birth control for a woman is also a choice. Not having sex is also a choice. When a man is expected to be a contributing partner (at the bare minimum financially and at the best emotionally and physically) in the raising of a baby he should also have a say in whether the fetus comes to full term or not. Claiming it's solely a woman's decision is not okay with me. Excluding one half of the equation (the male), after a mutual decision to have coitus, in the decision of whether or not the fetus is terminated is not only irresponsible but unjust.
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