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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. All I'm suggesting is that it's a moot point. There's a lot of gray area there. When I here someone say it's simply a woman's decision I question that.
  2. This doesn't make sense to me. The man is accountable ("a part of the consequences") for creating the baby but has no say in whether or not it's brought to full term/birth? That's solely the woman's decision? That doesn't jibe with me.
  3. If you're serious about your mattress go to several mattress outlets/stores and (as suggested above) try them out. Take your time. Remember, the salespeople at these joints are like car salespeople and work on commission. They have the ability to come down in price, too. Treat the transaction like you would a car deal and price them at several places while talking prices with the salespeople. Also, I'd replace the box spring if it's old. It actually plays a big hand in how the mattress works and it's longevity. ed. I purchased a very nice king-sized memory foam-like bed 2 years ago that me
  4. Reasonable? LSD should be legal. Guns and booze are.
  5. I can get behind this. I have "voted" in elections where I write in a ridiculous candidate, too, but realize that's also just a waste of time. I don't buy the "if you don't vote you have no room to complain/comment/etc." line, either.
  6. Go with the Winterland show. Absolutely fantastic. Killer versions of just about every tune, long sets, and festivities abound. Great camera work, too. Good to hear. I'll have to re-check it out.
  7. Well, sorry, but there were no instructions to do that and the thread title mentioned nothing about a "link," as you call it.
  8. This thread title promises "pics" yet I see only one pic. I've, yet again, been duped by the old bait-and-switch.
  9. I've seen the film (it's been a while) and remember it as being pretty grainy and a bit wobbly (camera) throughout. I think Kesey or Ken Babbs filmed it. Still, for historical puposes it's pretty cool.
  10. I was going to say it was that he married his sister, but yeah, the cell phone is pretty neat.
  11. I'm with you on this. On the way in to work: GD Reckoning (alternate takes) and Dead Set (added stuff).
  12. I was responding to a post saying more people will be killed if Obama is in office, and only meant to point out that no matter who takes office there will continue to be wars.... ed. I can understand how B2 feels as that's been my general outlook for my entire voting life. I didn't vote in the last election because the line was too long, too.
  13. Of course. This resonates for anyone who is elected. Point being?
  14. So whomever takes office will be to blame.....
  15. As much as I dislike the entire process, I yet again agree with you.
  16. Do you mean to say that whomever is elected that the war will not end immediately or that he will be responsible for sparking more war?
  17. What political speech doesn't? Take it for what it is. They're all part of the cog that we need to deal with, like it or not. If you're expecting something different you're fooling yourself.
  18. Ah, I'd probably screw up the rhubarb pie and include some leaves and we'd all die. Maybe it's for the best.
  19. How's an organic rhubarb pie sound?
  20. Tomorrow after work: kids for a spell, then a free Little Feat show outside and downtown, followed by a Shakedown Street/Phix show and a Big Smith show next door to each other. Sat.: Watch the kids as the ex moves into a new house four blocks away, then maybe pick up some nice bunk beds for the kids, and some funk and/or reggae live tunes downtown with a pal. Sunday: kids again? Re-coup? Hot dog or two? Monday: bear the brunt of the previous days.
  21. Does he still have that "new baby" smell?
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