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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. They should scrap "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" in lieu of "The Drone."
  2. It was a very nice welcome. He shyly went to tip his helmet, too. I dvr'd the LAD game to watch Manny's debut, as well. I agree it's energized the fan base and I'd imagine the clubhouse, too.
  3. I think Edes is just making shit up at this point. Hello, man.
  4. Francona put Papelbon in the game for the 9th with a 1-1 tie. Hmm.
  5. In fairness, he did make several attempts (and a few of them temporarily successful, too) to rid himself of the junk. He died in a rehab facility, after all. Granted, the toll had already taken effect on his worn down body, but he made attempts to get off the highly addictive shit. Also, there's something to be said for living your life the way you want to and accepting what that may entail. I don't mean this in a pro-drug way at all, but I think he was just thick-headed and stubborn and nobody was going to tell him how to live his life. Sad as it is, I'm actually surprised he made it to ag
  6. I agree. I've watched it half a dozen times and still crack up.
  7. Sports Center commercial w/ Manny not aired until last night, apparently: http://awfulannouncing.blogspot.com/2008/0...cial-youll.html
  8. I've never heard about a riot but that doesn't mean there wasn't one.
  9. Zoo Amp.! Playin-> Aiko->,,,,
  10. MB: thought you'd post the Yale Bowl show from 37 years ago up here yesterday. My pal's sister was like 16, lived a few blocks away, snuck in, and Garcia helped her up on stage and gave her a beer. True story.
  11. Too many amazing memories to list. He's still greatly missed. I believe the Baltimore Symphony does their GD thing today, too. Out here, my friend starts his annual "9 Days of Jerry" at his bars with all GD-focused bands.
  12. This is the one I'm thinking of. This wasn't #500, but a walk-off HR:
  13. Excellent idea. If you can get the shot with the fans going apeshit with their hands raised in the background, even better,
  14. Reports of FLA knowing Manny "blackmailing" Sox and demanding more in trade.... ed. Taken from another site: "On the Scott Van Pelt Show Gammons says, 'The Sox, Marlins and Pirates have no idea what is going to happen. The Red Sox need to find someone to take Manny, 7 million and three players. This is unprecedented, Manny told the Sox to trade him or he will not play.'"
  15. Hermida would go to PITT and Bay to BOS. Stay with us here, ryann.
  16. Me too, probably. But isn't there usually one crazy bastard who helps out?
  17. I'm thinking when a group of folks sitting that close to eachother on a bus see a guy start stabbing another guy would be the time to lend a hand.
  18. The adage "any publicity is good publicity" won't work in Greyhound's favor here. I also wonder why nobody jumped in to help. I realize the maniac has a huge knife and all but yeesh, they just flee? (insert French/Canadian joke here).
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