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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Looks to be that Nels is playing with a band at the same time the FLips are slated....
  2. Looks like a very decent lineup. A good mix of Bluegrass, Jam, Folk, Weird, and Rock.
  3. You know, it's sad that he was a young guy and has died, but cripes it's now everybody else's fault besides the guy that drank the booze, had the weed, made the decision to drive, and was speeding while talking on his phone? And opted not to wear a seatbelt. Incredible.
  4. So Red Sox fans should look at NYY fans as equal peers. Got it. The NYY and BOS are not cut from the same cloth. In fact, besides both currently having large payrolls, they have very little in common. The Yankees and their fans embody smug self-righteousness as they are used to being a behemoth. They are associated with success and every Tom, Dick, and Rocco on earth latches on to them because of their success (this in no way takes away from the folks who were born and bred as NYY fans, of course). The Red Sox, for the most part, until three years ago have been the loveable losers. NNY fa
  5. Blame has already been placed elsewhere. Sorry.
  6. Is that supposed to be sarcastic or something?
  7. Greg Grinn->SST->Meat Puppets (played SxSW)-> JLo (played SxSW)->Sanjaya (looking to be hired by JLo
  8. I think in this case "cube" stands for "chunk of cement chipped away behind he and his cellie's bunk bed."
  9. The Sox have been very lucky to have no key injuries/major DL stints. They've come charging out of the gates with the club they had on paper at the end of Spring Training. This is great, of course. Manny has yet to hit his stride and JD Drew is sucking fumes, but the team is still the best offensively and the best pitching-wise in the A.L. With this in mind, like any team they're really only a key injury or two from being knocked down a few pegs. I expect the NYY to get back to NNY-form by mid-season or shortly thereafter, and per annually, hope that BOS can be right there with them, but o
  10. Exactly. Believe me, there's not a drop of feeling for them. I heartily guffaw at their misfortunes.
  11. I actually thought Jeter was robbed on several of the strike calls last night. I also thought the Sox should have been able to help Tavarez out a lot more than they did considering the shit Mussina was throwing over the plate last night. It also looked like Crisp was out in his slide to second base. In short, lots of calls not going the NYY way. Bummer for them.
  12. Of course. Not to mention Sylar stopped the bullets in mid flight and re-directed them into Parkman. Perhaps they lost a bit of velocity.
  13. He may have no soul but he has some Hamburger Helper. Man, I hate seeing HIS GINORMOUS WHITE GLOVE slapping the first and third base coahes high-five.
  14. The Yankees are feeling pretty cocky about reducing their games-behind to 9 1/2, no doubt.
  15. Is it o.k. if I listen to the tunes like "Just A Kid" or the stuff from Mermaid Ave that aren't on any official Wilco album, or should I hold off on those for a spell too?
  16. "Top 25 Songs to Listen to While Making a List of Your Top 25 Songs to Listen To"
  17. -Maybe Nathan was able to place Peter far enough in space and zip far enough away pre-blast. -Yes, a set-up for Ch. 2. - Like a few other times this season, it didn't dawn on me until just before it happened. I didn't see the "tracking device" as Molly until HRG and Matt the Cop were on the same floor, didn't see HRG's wife being morphed from Linderman's morphing chink, etc.
  18. I once saw Jeff beating up a homeless guy in downtown Detroit at 3 a.m.
  19. I'll buy that. Though a new villain for a new chapter would seem apt, too. I'm wondering if they all carry over their powers from the just finished chapter. Hiro seemingly does, though he did crash to the ground from the form of an eagle or hawk or something.
  20. What's your take on how Sylar survives? And why didn't Peter fly himself up to the deep skies and explode himself and then regenerate?
  21. I'll assume all the heroes are still alive save Sylar.
  22. Remeber Scotty, even bad publicity is good publicity. Always smile for the camera. Actually, I believe he's just smugly confident that Jesus is on his side.
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