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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. Mr. Rain: How'd you tap back into the wohler's site? Ever since Bostrom had to pay the huge fees (3-4 months ago) for keeping that part up and running I haven't been able to access it. I used to hit it via the MP's site Bostrom runs.
  2. Thought I'd share a track for anyone interested off the upcoming Pup's album due out in a month or so, Rise To Your Knees. According to Curt, all tracks were laid down first-take. He's over trying to gloss the tunes and just wants to play, he says. I like this track. Very reminiscent of typical psychedelic-ish Pups. Sounds like it's born for a live setting, too. "Disappear": http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...366683610CE5914
  3. I should probably hold off on my plans to show Pulp Fiction to my fifth graders today. Amazingly poor and stupid judgement on the sub's part. Even moreso though, is the stupidity of the principal. I cannot imagine a sane principal okaying an R-rated flick for kids this age. Overreaction on the girl's part and her family, perhaps, but I'd imagine they've got a pretty decent case. Why would a school think it's okay to show an R-rated flick to people that technically/legally cannot watch one at a public theater?
  4. Happy Birthday, good sir! Best wishes.
  5. Earl: "It doesn't mean he was the greatest home run hitter. It means he hit the most home runs. Thats it." What? I know your an apologist for Bonds, but c'mon. There are a remarkable amount of baseball, the sport, fans who simply do not dig Bonds cheating his way to the coveted pot of gold. It's really that simple. Justify it anyway you want, but it's still not jibing with a lot of baseball fans.
  6. I don't think he's ever been accused nor has there been any evidence presented that he did. I don't recall reading first-hand accounts of him doing steroids, either. I don't recall a lengthy investigative book detailing his history with steroids through receipts, first-hand accounts, etc. So no, I would say it's not generally accepted that Schilling has used steroids.
  7. owl, I feel you were maybe looking for a different answer?
  8. It's generally accepted that he's taken both steroids and HGH, yes.
  9. Because Schilling made some comments to WEEI in essence stating that Bond's admitted to spousal cheating, steroid use, etc. He stated it as fact, not speculation like everyone else. Short end of it: What Schilling calls being candid is again a simple case of having a big mouth. ed. for inaccuracies.
  10. I got the nesn feed for the series out here in CO. Watching them play in a domed building (even with the roof open last night) takes a little something away from the game, too.
  11. 'Belli from the knees, too. My kids had me rewind that play 4-5 times.
  12. GAH- Monsters Out My way. No coffee make lammy groggy. I love Monsters, too. Damn me to hell.
  13. Meat Puppets II Up On The Sun Huevos Mirage Too High To Die
  14. Nice to see Wakefield get a bit of run support for a change tonight, though.
  15. Ditto. I feel so carnie-esque.
  16. Teenager of the Year is a solid album, but I'm always surprised how seldom/rare/never fans of Frank Black mention last year's(or so) Fast Man, Raider Man. I'm not saying it belongs on any top 5-whatever list or anything, but it's like the chirping of crickets in a mossy bog whenever this album is mentioned. I find it a very good album and above par for him.
  17. That's standard procedure, darkstar, standard procedure.
  18. Do people still watch these? Seriously? I watched the first two (caught the first one in the theatre in the late 70s when it came out and the second one in the 80s or whenever it came out), I think. Never really understood the whole deal . They're all a bunch of spacemonkeys or something, right?
  19. Little known fact: Schilling's got a big ol' cake hole. Decent pitcher, though.
  20. I'll pick up an issue here and there, but yeah, a lot of stuff crammed into each issue makes for a lot of smaller articles. And you should where Teva sandals in the summer as they're really flip-flops and really cheap ($18-20). That advice is free, too.
  21. Wilco's on the cover of the new Relix.
  22. Not to derail this thread by any means (didn't think it warrented another thread), but a "heads up" that Wilco are the feature in the new Relix magazine (w/picture of JT on cover). The mag used to be called Dead Relix and was devoted primarily to the GD, and now covers the jamband scene, mostly. The beginning of the article begins here but it looks like you'll need to pick the mag up to get the rest of the piece, if interested: http://www.relix.com/content/blogcategory/64/185/
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