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Posts posted by darkstar

  1. Yeah, thanks Eyeball....I hear that. Hey I'm all for the research....just saying you know stuff like this gets people crazy. I'm willing to wager that Bush's decision wasn't based on any moral or ethical thinking, he's just pandering for votes from the Christian Conservative types. Even though he is not up for re-election he still needs their good graces to get his agenda passed. Typical politico....they don't give a shit, just want to get votes

  2. :realmad


    Crosby at his best was better than Keef at his best, in my opinion. And I love the Stones, so that's saying something.



    :blink That's crazy talk!


    Didn't mean to hijack the thread with humor.....lotta questions about this whole thing. And of course anytime there is the question of ethics and morality a lot of emotions get raised. It's hard to look at without getting conflicting thoughts. Sure I am all for medical research and using stem cells to erradicate horrible conditions and disease, but would I want (just using my twisted thinking here folks, don't get upset...it's just a what if..) some crazy scheme going on where we had hundreds of breeders incubating embryos for that purpose? Lots of questions...and of course when this gets political (doesn't everything?) you get a whole 'nother layer of madness going on. Just my 2 cents.

  3. I told myself not to weigh in on this, but just a thought.


    Medical ethics is careful consideration of not simply the immediate moral cost/benefit, but also the careful consideration for the long term.


    When organ transplant became a viable option, there was concern about the ethical question of who gets a new organ. Who wins the prize? Should my sister, a long term alcoholic, dying of acute liver disease be a candidate for liver transplant? Should Keith Richards? David Crosby? They have the money to buy a billion livers. Someone has to make these decisions.


    If stem cell research discovers that stem cells are a panacea for many of the world's ills, where will more stem cells come from? Will poor folks be paid for their reproductive cells to make more embryos for just this purpose? How much would Chris Reeve have been willing to pay to get up and walk again? What's the black market value for the mental clarity of a former president?



    Interesting questions you bring about....good post and obviously Keef gets the new liver before Crosby

  4. So i'm coming to Chicago next weekend and I want to find the music shops in the city. I know from watching IATTBYH that the Midwest buy and sell is a place to go... are there any others?


    i'm looking for a Fender Jazzmaster (REISSUE, as i don't have a ton of money), theres not too many here in Toronto. so i'd figure i'll try the mighty US.


    if anyone knows of good used, music stores please let me know (with address please) OR if you know where i can find a Jazzmaster, or are selling one, let me know...


    respond here (if you like)

    or email me directly



    if you find me a jazzmaster, i'll send you a prize.


    Well...it ain't Chicago, but check out Gruhn Guitars in Nashville. WWW.Gruhnguitars.com


    It's a pretty famous kinda place. They have all sorts of vintage stuff. Kinda pricey though. Like I said it's not Chicago, but it is only a 45 minute flight on Southwest Airlines away. They have a lot of stuff, and most of it can be seen online.

  5. Who needs the therapy?


    Also, what would you consider "showing a little reality"?



    Well, as far as that ad goes, how many people are gonna get dissed at a park, go down to the local Hummer dealer and blow 40K just like that. I mean, I get the ad and all, and they are selling the idea that having a Hummer just makes everything better...It's kind of silly


    In general though with the yuppie thing...get real I have a ton of friends like that, you know the American Dream thing and all, and pretty much every one of them is dealing with some kind of serious fuck up in their life. I congratulate anyone that remains mostly sane these days. And no I'm certainly not passing judgement, I'm as fucked up as they come...just blowing off steam saying that's my pet peeve.

  6. I didn't see it (I would like to, if you can remember what channel) but I'm currently reading a book on Bill James (The Mind of Bill James, by Scott gray) that is pretty intriqueing. It goes a lot deeper into explaining the use of numbers in an untraditional sense (though I'd posit that it's really becoming more the 'tradition' these days). It's pretty interesting to see how the numbers should be viewed in context and not simply as raw data (for most stats, at least). I've never been an overly stat-oriented fan of the game but the insights into how to truly gauge a player's input is fascinating to me.



    Damn, I'm sorry I can't remember what the hell it was called or what channel it was on. It was really interesting stuff. I know it was on a national type network, it wasn't local. Like I said maybe Discovery or one of those channels.


    This guy James has turned around the conventional wisdom. Nowadays not rare to see a slow guy leading off, they play for on base percentage now. Talks about how the worst thing to do is give away an out, for example James doesn't see the payoff in sacraficing a guy, etc, etc.


    Christ If I can remember the name of it I'll let you know.

  7. i don't like those new hummer ads where the vegetarian so so threatened by the meat eater behind him in line at the grocery that the only way to reclaim his manhood is to buy a hummer. The other one is when the mommy and her brat son are knocked out of line on the slide by a nastier mommy and a brattier son so she "gets her girl on" and grabs the kid, throws him in the mini van and drives to the nearest hummer dealership, blows the sales guy and then buys a hummer.



    I saw that Mom-Kid ad yesterday. Amazing. What's the message? Life gotcha down? Can't deal? well shit, buy a Hummer. Then every little ting gonna be allright Mon!


    My pet peeve is these yuppie couples, with the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect jobs, the perfect bank account, fucking Stepford Wife shit there. Show a little reality. Behind that perfect facade you know Mom has a bit of a coke or booze problem, Dad is humping his secretary, and little junior is gonna be in dire need of about $50K worth of therapy. It's all a bunch of shite I tell ya! :angry

  8. Because guys used to be just as dominant while pitching more innings. Mariano Rivera has never had a year like Eck's 1992.


    Rollie Fingers had a 2.90 ERA while pitching almost 2 innings per appearance. I'd say thats more dominant than 2.33 in barely over on per appearance.


    But you are right, I'm letting my blind hatred for all things Yankees cloud my judgement (even though I've probably defended Jeter as much as anyone here has).


    I just like to see people argue things with like, facts and stats and stuff. Because I'd say it's much better than anectdotal evidence. I mean, I can say Ricky Nolasco has the best curveball I've ever seen, and that doesn't make it even remotely true.



    Talking about stats, I caught a bit of a program that was on this past weekend...I want to say it was on Discovery or something like that. It was all about how stats are now being used instead of "traditional" baseball methods. How the new breed of Sabermetrics guys are re-thinking traditional managerial moves. Was pretty interesting stuff. Of course they highlighted stat geek number one Bill James, whom, of course consults for the BoSox so there's a lot of Terry Francona and Red Sox players interviewed.....anyways it was a pretty interesting show. Wish I could remember what I saw it on.

  9. I think you mean Pedro Martinez, as in reference to Babe Ruth: "I'll drill him in the ass."



    Too funny Wake up the Babe! The only thing funnier than that comment he made was watching him throw down Don Zimmer back in '03. The Gerbil was in tears...You know Bill Lee was laughing his ass off somewhere and doin' a bong hit

  10. http://www.chromewaves.net/mp3/Wilco-Impos...2006-07-03).mp3


    In light of all the postings regarding Impossible Germany here is the version from Summerfest on July 5. This version has the jam at the end so you can compare it to the earlier posted version from July 10th with the jam in the middle. I know, I know it's an MP3 version but for those of us who don't have access to BT ( or can't figure out the torrent thing) this will suffice.


    There is a lot of crowd noise in this version so be warned. I've heard both and I think the jam is a bit more intense on the July 5th (at the end) but both are pretty damn good.


    Whooops should ad that when you click the link, right click it and then click save target as...then you can save it to wherever....or ah hell just enjoy it

  11. From my understanding, most of the allegations were for the club owners specifically assigning refs to ref certain matches. That sounds like to me that the decisions were made in the office...not on the field. I dont think that most of the italian players, if not all of them were aware that this was going on. They want to keep those things hushed up, if a player was informed of it then left to a different squad whats to say he would keep his mouth shut?? I dont blame the players, I blame the political bullshit thats been following soccer for years...





    True, however the Italian goalie, Buffon (spelling?) has been implicated due to some possible illegal gambling on matches so.....who knows?

  12. I haven't verified it, but it says


    "Boston-based sports radio station, broadcasting Red Sox games through streaming audio."


    on the google results page. You'll be able to check in three days. :)



    Well thanks very much for the info!!!!

  13. I can't believe Zidane... just can't get my head round it at all... unbelieveable.


    And with him went the French hopes... rubbish.



    Shocking huh? I can't think of anything quite like it. A world class player in his final game, with a world cup on the line, in front of a billion people loosing his shit like that. I wonder what the Italian guy said to him that got him so worked up.

  14. as much as i like Don and Rem Dawg, we're going to start turning the TV sound down and listen to the guys on WEEI.



    Baseball kinda "sounds" better on radio wish I could get WEEI here in Nashville...too cheap to spring for the sat. radio

  15. The Hawk is a douchebag, no doubt. I remember him calling Red Sox games when I was a kid for channel 38 outta Boston, and I didn't like him then. He's gotten worse over the years. That "He gone" shit he does is innane and simply stupid. However...keep in mind that the team has ultimate approval over who calls their games and obviously Chisox mgmt likes him. You have to expect some bias on the home teams play by play guys. I'm sure all us Bosox fans will remember the great Johnny Most who called Celtics games forever. That guy was one of the worst "homer" play by play guys ever. Larry Bird would virtually mug a guy on the court and Most would be calling into question the ref's eyesight, character, and mother. Meanwhile any opposing player making the slightest contact would have Most screaming about how the guy ought to be tossed out of the game etc, etc


    The Hawk is pretty much just doing his job. If he starts loosing viewers the ratings will show it and they'll get someone else.


    In my opinion the worst guys are Buck, McCarver, and Morgan. They (Buck, McCarver) were basically calling out Manny Ramierez on national tv because he isn't going to the All Star game. Thats their opinion and they should keep it to themselves. It's obvious they have absolutely no respect for the Red Sox. Never have...McCarver has George Steinbrenner's dick so far down his throat it's a wonder he can breathe.

  16. Today is the first game of a three game Red Sox/White Sox series at the Cell.


    I am predicting the final color to be light pink, with the White Sox winning two of three.



    That's crazy talk. Big Papi blasts game winning homer of Jenks causing Guillen to explode in rage and make anti-hispanic comments. Still in pique of rage Guillen then benches Ortiz in all star game to show him who's boss. After MLB suspends Guillen for life he moves back to Venezuala and becomes Hugo Chaves' minister of foreign relations, wins Nobel peace prize for his efforts against homosexual discrimination.


    BOSOX take this series.

  17. Ought to be an interesting game. First time in hundreds of years the French have advanced on Munich, will they just lay down and surrender?


    As for Italy, if they can quit flopping to the ground and grabbing their knees in agony everytime someone gets remotely close to them they may have a shot. Fucking great actors the Azzuri.


    By the way Germany beats the shit out of Portugal in the 3rd place game.

  18. Especially when you don't have cable! :lol

    Wow, you're old school: Ken Coleman has passed. That's Jerry Trupiano.



    Jeeeeezus no kidding right? wow...I forgot troop is on there now...been away for a long time I guess. Coleman was on when I was a youngstah!

  19. Darkstar: You NEED to get MLB Extra Innings. It's the main thing that keeps me sane during the season. I've been able to catch @155 Sox games/yr. since getting the package (4-5 years now) living a few thousand miles from New England. I often get the NESN feed when they're on the road, too. Of course, you can watch tonight's game on ESPN2, as well.



    Yeah, thanks Kat. I know. Every friggin year I make a note to get the package and then I frigging forget. I'll order it after the all-star break, I think it's half price then. I watch every game I can on ESPN or FOX (though I friggin hate McCarver and Buck). The only thing is that if the Sox are the visitor you get the home team feed. I love the NESN guys but hell, if I can see the boys what the frig right?


    Was hillarious listening to WEEI yesterday, all the callers, then Schillings bit on the "Dennis and Callahan" show. Ya gotta love the dudes calling in claiming to be experts then you find out they have coached little leauge for 20 years and they think they know the game. I miss the Mass accent...mine has almost disappeared after 13 years in Nashville, but withing 10 minutes of being back in Mass it comes raging back!


    I'm a Joe & Jerry boy, myself.




    Coleman and Castiglione!!!!!!! something about listening to a game on the radio eh?

  20. I'm going to try to get tix at the box office today around noon. Never tried that before. I'm in the area, so what the hell. Most likely, I'll end up at Beerworks across the street to watch the game.



    Dang! you get tix today for that and it's a miracle. Sawx are firing on all cylinders now. Got to see the game Monday on NESN (was up in Mass for a client visit), sometimes I miss living up there, but when February rolls around I love living in Nashville. Was good though to visit. Finally gotta good pizza and got to hear Sean and Rem-dog on the NESN. Hope Petey gets a good ovation today and no boos.

  21. He's the best pitcher ever, with the possible exception of Walter Johnson.


    Cy Young played in a completely different era that had pitchers expected to go all nine innings, and even pitch both games of a double header (he did that like 15 times in his career).



    You are correct sir! also to Note: Cy holds the record for most wins all time at 511 but also the record for most losses as well with 313 no way anyone gets close these days, what with a 5 man rotation and going 6-7 strong innings is considered a quality start

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