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Posts posted by darkstar

  1. There is 1.5 games seperating us from 5 different teams. We have a 3 game series against Atlanta coming up. If we sweep them (entirely possible, as both Joneses will be injured), we will be most likely 4 games out of the Wild Card, and in 3rd or 4th.


    If Larry Beinfest isn't the best GM in baseball, I honestly don't know who is.

    I've killed for less than that, and I'll damn sure do it again if you don't cut it out this minute.



    You see Liriano keeping it up until the end? Just curious as he is a young guy, rookie etc.


    gonna be an interesting next few months wonder if there will be some huge blockbuster deal this week before the 31st

  2. The argument can be made for either, but to say papelbon is the MVP is ridiculous.


    It's going to be David Ortiz.



    Agreed, though it could happen who knows? (not likely)


    Anyways...whats up with your boys 7-3 in the last 10 with a 3 game streak? Good times in S FLA

  3. I'd take BJ Ryan over Papelbon. He strikes out more batters (I think he's up to 12 per 9 innings), and aside from 3 bad outings in the last 3 weeks, he has been unbelievable.


    Don't get me wrong, Papelbon has been great too, but I just wouldn't say he's the MVP. ROY definetly.



    Well.....Stat wise (I know you are the stat Junkie)


    Ryan 24 of 27 save opportunities 1.13 era 61 K's


    Papelbon 29 of 32 save op's .53 era and 52 K's


    I gotta go with Paps based on that miniscule era, Ryan has more K's but also more than a half run higher era


    Anyways..it's a good argument, Ryan IS pretty impressive

  4. If the season ended today, Papelbon should be the AL MVP.

    Thats possible...I would give it to Ortiz though, to me he's more valuable to the team with the clutch hits and such (though you can argue that Papelbon is also of huge value with the saves)

  5. I always like Reynolds. Apart from Peter Gammons, he's the only guy on ESPN who doesn't shit all over the Marlins at every possible opportunity.


    Steve Phillips is an absolute retard who should be locked away and never allowed to watch or speak about baseball again. In their little "mock draft" the other two guys picked Albert Pujols as the one player they'd want more than any, and Phillips the Mouthbreather picked Jon Papelbon. He lost what little credibility he had with me at that point.



    Mouthbreather!....hillarious, he does have a Papelboner doesn't he?

  6. Are you surprised at all by this type of response on this particular board? It's about 95% as far left as you can go. Of course Israel is in the wrong because George Bush supports this course of action. If Bush condemned Israel when they first attacked, there would be immense support for Israel.


    As for Hezbolah firing rockets: They are just innocent freedom fighters trying to keep the imperialistic Isrealies from stealing their land.



    Nope not at all surprised........

  7. A week ago it looked like WWIII, now it just looks like more bullshit from an area that should be demilitarized by the world.


    When I was in Orlando last week I rode in a cab with a young Palestinian driver. You can imagine that was a bit tense until both of us agree this is all bullshit and it is time for all sides to put down arms. Israel's response may seem over the top, but unfortunately it is a direct response to a threat that doesn't seem to be able to be controlled by the Lebanese government. This all sucks, particulary the fact that fire is being traded into civilian areas on both sides and resulting in death and devistation that doesn't have to be. This is a case of overaction on all sides, as per usual. This is a sickness borne by both sides unable to sort out any kind of non-military solution and client states that are unable and unwilling to reign in the terror. Either way you look at it, if you are being shelled by Hezbolah in Haifa or shelled by the Israelis in Beruit, it looks pretty much the same.




    Nice post, I was kind of wondering when someone would mention that Hezbolah has indeed been firing rockets all over Northern Israel..... seems like every post is putting all of this on the U.S. and Israel


    I wonder what the reaction would be if something similar happened here? Say Mexico or Canada crosses our border, kills a few border gaurds then starts lobbing rockets at us. Wouldn't some kind of retaliation make sense? LoiueB nailed it..."a sickness borne by both sides". NEWSFLASH!!! Jews and Arabs have hated each other since day 1 always have, probably always will. Also kind of funny that a bunch of people are calling for the US to sort this out....don't we usually get a bunch of shit for "meddling" in the affairs over there?

  8. There are some guys who were indisputably horrible clubhouse guys (and much lesser players than A-Rod) who have won championships.



    Very true and a sage point...I'm just wondering that with a team like NY you have a lot of guys that all think they are king shit of turd mountain, what with all the "Yankee Mystique", the giganto salaries, all that NY media attention, they ALL think they are the best, I'm wondering if they don't snub the guy some. Hell Mussina went after him in the papers yesterday for making a throwing error....I'm wondering if slappy is getting a bit worn down.

  9. Believe me, Randy's gotten booed too. Just every 5 days instead of every day :P . At least he's finally starting to shows some good signs of late.


    Yankee fans know how great A-Rod is, and the majority are very astute regarding both their knowledge and history of the game. But you put over 50,000 people in the Stadium EVERY NIGHT OF THE YEAR, and you're going to get fans who boo anything and everything.



    I'm a huge BoSox fan so this pains me, but 'ol Slappy (A-rod) is obviously a hugely talented player, my thought is regardless of his numbers in the playoffs, etc, etc the guy has never been part of a championship team. Now, is it because the teams he's played on just haven't been good enough, or is it because as have been reports he's not a good clubhouse kind of guy and tends to be a distraction to his team? I don't know, I'm wondering what the prevailing thought is. I say if the Sox had him in '04 they are a different team and they don't win it all

  10. Randy Johnson hasn't led the Yanks to a championship, and in fact has been largely disappointing in the regular season since joining the Yankees, too. But how much criticism does he receive from those fans? Also, how long do those earlier championships count for the other players? Do past championships forever get you a free pass for all future play? I understand that the fans want a championship, I just don't understand why A-Rod gets all the blame, when he's the largest reason that they keep making the playoffs to begin with.



    Simply because he's the 25$ million man. I don't care who you play for, when you make that kinda dough the expectation is you will single-handedly win championships. Of course it's an unreal expectation but thats the way it is.

  11. I believe the last one he gave up (walk-off) was against the Red Sox in July (24th?) of 2004, to Bill Mueller. This is also known as the game where Varitek shoved his mitt into Slappy McBluelips' annoying mug (though he wasn't known as Slappy McBluelips until the ALCS Game 6).



    Slappy McBluelips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost choked on my sandwich, that is friggin' great!

  12. Next pitch, nonetheless.

    2 1/2 back for the Yankees.



    Gotta love seein Rivera give up a dinger, walk off no less. Also Mussina kind of ripped into A-Rod for his error last night. I love when the Yankees fight amongst themselves, reminds me of the incident with Reggie Jackson and Billy Martin at Fenway back in 78....which of course turned out to be a horrid year, anyways.


    A-Rod has 17 errors this season, I believe that leads the Yankees

  13. What the frig is going on with Shea Hillenbrand and the Jays? Too funny. He used to play for the BoSox and I don't remember him being a whinny jerk, but apparently he is...anyways Toronto booted his ass. He might not make a bad addition to a team lookin for a DH/Corner infielder...he was batting .301 and is fairly decent defensively...OK maybe adequate

  14. state and federally funded? you bet! :thumbup

    Your Karma is most certainly intact! :cheers

    I wouldn't bet on it! :shifty but thanks for the vote of confidence!

    can someone please teach me how to use the quote thingy? :lol



    Actually it was privately funded mostly....I think they got some $ from the state but not much....anyways.....


    The booolcheet is everywhere you go

  15. In the "Lets Fight.mp3" thread I posted this zipped up file of all the new songs, including the ones not mentioned in this list:





    Thanks Oblivious, I was going to point them to your post yesterday that has a link to all the new stuff. 1,000 thanks to you for posting them. Appreciate it


    And to everyone else Sorry...In my haste with this I plumb forgot to put a link to the new stuff

  16. What about 'Walken?'



    You know I left that off only because they have been playing it for quite a while....I was more of the mind that newer meaning since this past spring and summer tour


    Love Walken though

  17. Well that's the bottom line on all this -- resource depletion.


    I probably don't do as much as I could/should, partly because I think citizen participation in the political process has become moot. I contribute to causes I deem worthy. (Let me tell ya, my kids were thrilled last Christmas when I gave gifts in their honor to heifer.org :lol )


    I was very much the activist as a young adult -- before the advent of my family and the need to support them became the top priority. I drive a Civic, try to live in as nonmaterialistic manner as possible, grow some of my own food (not enough -- those damn Swiss Cake Rolls just dont grow in Zone 5! :realmad ), don't kill critters (except millipedes and mosquitos), eat very little meat, dry my clothes on a clothesline, hug trees and try not to participate in the greedy consume-mass-quantities mindset that dominates this culture. To that end, I have always worked for nonprofits. I would be run out of a corporate setting on a rail for my leftist leanings, and would like to see a system of socialism that really worked (cuz there just ain't much trickling down). My fondest dream is to build and live on my off-the-grid property, for whatever all that's worth.


    I also smoke, travel too much in my Civic, use appliances, burn wood for heat, and have an unnatural love of extreme air conditioning. Also fwiw, I've long contemplated hanging a peace symbol flag off my house, but fear that would target me for some sort of hate crime.


    I also like Wilco.


    You know it's funny, I used to work for a not for profit (helping mentally ill people) and I swear there was more red-tape bullshit there than anywhere else. It got so bad at one point that I almost beat the shit out of the director of the place. I pointed out that one of our clients (people) didn't look right, was lethargic, etc, etc. I got blown off. Turns out we ended up taking him to the hospital where it was discovered he had suffered a heart attack over the weekend. The woman running the group home where he lived did nothing, the Director did nothing. In the end this guy died. It made me furious. So yeah I ditched that and now work for a greedy multi-national corporation. I think there is bullshit everywhere.


    But good for you being socially aware and making less of an impact, and it's no crime to kill critters and crank the AC up Your Karma is most certainly intact! :cheers

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