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Posts posted by darkstar

  1. Well I'm waist deep, waist deep in the mist

    It's almost like, almost like I don't exist


    Cold Irons Bound



    Yes I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes

    You'd know what a drag it is to see you


    Positvely 4th street


    With your mercury mouth in the missionary times,

    And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes,

    And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes,

    Oh, who among them do they think could bury you?

    With your pockets well protected at last,

    And your streetcar visions which you place on the grass,

    And your flesh like silk, and your face like glass,

    Who among them do they think could carry you?

    Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,

    Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,

    My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,

    Should I leave them by your gate,

    Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?


    Sad Eyed Lady of the Low-Lands


    You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride,

    You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side,

    You may be workin' in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair,

    You may be somebody's mistress, may be somebody's heir


    But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed

    You're gonna have to serve somebody,

    Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord

    But you're gonna have to serve somebody


    Gotta Serve Somebody


    I could go on and on and on all day :stunned

  2. Also consider that it was the Russin winter that defeated the Nazi's. Everyone makes the mistake of forgetting how brutal that can be. Napolean got screwed by the Russian winter, and so did the Germans. Those who fail to learn the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat it, and all that rot.

  3. But the basis for it being called a hit by the official scorer is that even if WMP had caught the ball, the runner on third would most likely have scored. The benefit of the doubt always goes to the batter, too. Also, WMP gets credit for a put-out for nailing Monroe off first base. BTW, had Monroe not given up half-way down the baseline to 1st he'd probably have made it to 2nd base, but certainly would not have rounded 1st too far to make up for his jog to 1st.


    Polanco is out for the season with a separated shoulder. Too bad, it was a helluva catch.


    The Red Sox look atrocious these days. The pitching from the bullpen is horrible and there is little offense. Not a good time of the year to shit the bed, especially with a 5 game series this weekend (and Monday) against the red-hot Yankees.



    Amen brother. It's slowly slipping away. All of a sudden they can't hit, they have shitty pitching, and the bullpen? Pappelbon is looking very human and Tavares/Seanez....what the fuck?. Sox should have put the Yankees down 10-12 games before the break but sadly did not. Gonna be an interesting 5 games coming up with them this weekend. Of course you never know a sox sweep (yeah right) and this thing is right back. I think they have peaked though, there is no depth.......I'm not giving up yet but damn they are playing so sloppy. There just doesn't seem to be any sense of urgency with them. I read the papers and see the highlights on ESPN and all of them are like "well that's baseball...blah blah blah". I'd like to see some frigging fire or something you know?. They just seem dis-interested to me.

  4. The majority of previous dislike/inability to appreciate GD came from a person whom I did not care for that constantly blabbered about them. Not the best reason to not listen to a band, but my reason. It seems like many others around here really like GD, and I hold fellow VCers as people who have decent musical taste and also cite GD as influences on Wilco and other bands I listen to. Thus, I thought I would give them a try. That's all. In looking at their available recordings on itunes I was overwhelmed. Sometimes I might not (directly) like a band's music, but like how it was produced, tones they used, etc and enjoy them for that reason. But I understand your point of not having/forcing myself to get into a certain band just because. :cheers



    True enough so...if your looking for stuff that may vaugely resemble Wilco type music check out: Workingman's Dead, and American Beauty


    If you want spacey acid tinged madness check out : Live Dead


    If you want jazz influenced music check out: Wake of the Flood


    The best stuff truly is live dead (not the album, but "live" recordings) as stated by others here the music you will hear depends on what version of the band at what given time. As a very general guide, from 1966-67 or so you can expect loud and very fast songs (I believe speed was a big part of their lives then). From 1968 through 1969 you will have very exploratory, lysergic, interesting stuff. From about 1970 through 71 it's a mix. They were still doing the spacey stuff but started getting into some country, blues territory. 1972 is a flat out great year with way more structured songs and a really nice deep mellow tone (but as evidenced by certain songs i.e "playin in the band", "China-cat", etc they could still go of into deep space)1973 and 74 are very jazz tinged years and are also quite good. Any version of "Eyes of the World" from this period will get yer feet taping. 75 was an off year (didn't play but a handful of shows) 1976...ehhhhh not my favorite year. 1977 is a year a lot of people like. I find it mixed. A lot of good shows but a bit of a "disco dead" sound.


    I pretty much don't listen to stuff after 1978 or so. That's not to say there are no good shows from later years it's just not my favorite stuff. Best bet (in my opinion) is stuff from 1968 through 1974.


    A good live album that's easy to find in record stores is "Rocking the Rhine". It's a complete show from the Europe 72 tour. It's got a little of everything...country-ish stuff, some serious sonic madness (a great "Playing In The Band" and a killer Darkstar). Give it a whirl. And enjoy. If you don't like it, try some other stuff. :cheers

  5. man I travelled with the rainbow people when I was 17, on the eve of a "Jerry Tour".......I know of what I speak......kind brother.


    I was only being silly anyway...... hence the " :P "



    It's all good...was being silly myself........was that your kid just ringing my doorbell?

  6. it's okay.....we are here.......stop now, turn around......head for the door.


    No, trust me kind brother.....you don't want... no really......


    It will be okay.


    Whew, another Dead intervention......


    Crisis averted.




    Snob :angry

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