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Posts posted by darkstar

  1. Whats with all the crap in the news lately about Chicago? Seems like they are trying to ban everything there....no smoking, no eating greasy food, etc, etc youse guys runnin' a nanny city there?


    I always thought Chicago was the greatest...how can you not love a city with a beer joint and a hot dog stand on every corner....take your city back people!!!!!

  2. Javy Lopez is one of my uncle's best friends. They grew up together in Peurto Rico and everytime the Braves or Orioles would come down here we'd go to a game to see him. Maybe if the Red Sox make the Playoffs they'll have the chance to play the Marlins in the World Series (they've got as good a shot as anyone in the NL with that rotation).

    Another reason why Dontrelle is my favorite player in the league. This is in reference to Dontrelle having a few words for the ump after 2 very questionable non strike calls:


    Willis insisted he wasn't trying to made Reilly look bad.


    "I just said, 'Hey, we're working too hard.' That's all I said," Willis noted. "You can ask him. I didn't swear at him. I just said, 'We're working too hard.' By the time I looked up, Olivo was in my face and I'm not getting around Olivo. I wasn't disrespecting him. The only thing is I shouldn't have gone up to him, because I feel like that's not my place.


    "But that shouldn't happen. If I see him, I'm going to apologize."

    "This team is working too hard for you to take it away from us like this, those were two strikes"



    Marlins are dangerous creatures.....this is from a London Newspaper





    When he saw a companion on his boat hook a giant fish during a sea angling contest, Ian Card was delighted.


    Next second, the scene of triumph turned to horror - as the 14ft blue marlin leapt out of the water across the vessel and speared Mr Card through the chest with its spiked bill.


    The impact of the 800lb fish knocked him overboard into the Atlantic off Bermuda.


    Then, with a thrash of its tail and with the 32-year-old still impaled and bleeding profusely, it dragged him underwater.


    Terribly injured, he somehow stayed conscious as he struggled to pull himself free of the marlin's 3ft razor-sharp spike before he drowned.


    Finally, he wrenched himself away and was rescued by his companions on the boat - who included his 58-year-old father Alan.


    Yesterday, he told how his son surfaced with blood pumping from his wound. 'He put his hand up to his chest and his fingers disappeared,' he said. 'He had a wound about as big as your fist.' Mr Card was rushed to hospital, where sur- geons carried out an emergency operation and yesterday he was in a stable condition.

  3. Ok, we've passed the point of contrived stats and reached the point of made-up and obviously false stats. There's only one team that's had 3 game-winning hits in the past 4 seasons?



    Well obviously every game has a game winning hit, it may come in the first inning or whatever. I think the stat is game winning hits in a walk-off situation.

  4. Alex Gonzalez hitting a walk-off to end a game in the WS is a great feat. But I wouldn't call him a "clutch" hitter as it happened a total of one time.


    Pitchers fear Manny, of course, but it's irrational to think pitchers consider Ortiz an easier out. Ortiz is doing things in game-winning situations on a regular basis. This is what makes him among (if not the) the best clutch hitters to ever swing a bat. Ortiz is currently as dominant and feared in the batter's box as any other hitter to play the game.


    It ain't hype if it's legitimate.



    Exactly, check these numbers out. Since the end of 2004 season Papi has had 19 walk-off situations. Of those 19 situations, he has reached base 16 times, and has batted .786 with 7 HR and 20 RBI.


    This year (06) in walk-off situations he is 8-9 with 5 HR and 15 RBI


    You can argue the definition of clutch all you want, but Ortiz seems to be a prime example.

  5. Apparently, ARod is doing better than Ortiz in the "clutch" categories.



    While I'm sure you have tons of Bill Jamesian data to back that up, keep in mind that Papi has now had 12 walk-off hits in the last four seasons. The most in that span of time. Seems like that is a very good definition of clutch. I know, I know there are guys with better averages with 2 outs with runners in scoring position or whatever, but the case is clear. This guy has single-handedly won 12 games with his bat, no one else has done that.

  6. That was the creepiest post in the history of this board. Tied with the one dude who started a thread like "Who's the super cute blonde who was having a hard time getting into the Vic"

    Response: Dude, she's a minor, like 15 or something.

    His response: Oh, I was just wondering, I'm underage as well.

    Someone who knew the poster in real life: Dude, you're 26.




    Jesus wept

  7. I'm almost 40 (jezus.....this October)

    Have a degree in Mass Communications, but work for a big corporation crunching numbers and providing detailed financial reports for our clients. Was in the Army for 6 years after graduating college, then resigned my commission, followed the Dead around for way too long, taught and did social work before selling my soul to the corporation. Wouldn't say I'm yuppified (though I do own an Ipod) I drive a 10 year old pickup truck, wear jeans and t-shirts as much as possible, am not married, no kids, 1 very cool dachshund/doberman (seriously!) mix dog. I like my beer, baseball (REDSOX!!!!), football, and music, and the occasional herbage (strictly medicinal....bad arthritis) :shifty


    Music I like includes Grateful Dead, Allman Bros. Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Radiohead, Dylan, Springsteen, and of course Wilco. Got turned on to Wilco from hearing a song on the only good radio station here in Nashville (100.7) forgot what song but it got me interested. That was probably around 2000 or so. I have all the albums except for AM. Probably seen them around 7-8 times, most recently in Atlanta last October opening for the Stones, and back on Paddy's day at the Ryman in Nashville.


    Have a few shows on CD, mostly mp3 quality stuff, can't do the BT thing. Agree with Skian that Wilco is the best working band out there these days. Though I like all periods of Wilco, this current line-up is the best in my opinion. Kind of rotate my favorite tunes a lot. Lately the new tune "Impossible Germany" gets a lot of play, but I go back to other stuff a lot as well. Big fan of Company In My Back....can relate to it working for a souless corporation

  8. You are exactly correct (at least as far as I am aware). Hezbollah is supported by Syria. They could reign them in, but it is more fun to let them bedevil Israel than to make peace. Lebannon used to be a very multi-ethnic, progressive and beautiful country which has been wracked by war, civil war and foreign insursion for decades now. Students used to go to places like American University and people used to hang out on the beach, but clearly those days are limited too.


    Israel takes enormous amounts of (somewhat well deserved) shit, but the fact remains that it is a multi-ethnic, diverse and democratic society; not perfect perhaps, but then what country is? It is easy to portray Israel as some sort of facist/ terrorist state, but in fact despite some despicable human rights issues, it is a fairly enlightened place compared to some of its neighbors. (Hell Chicago has a pretty absysmal record on human rights: see the police torture issues of the 1970s; the US has an abysmal record on human rights, we still execute more people than any so called advanced industrialized country.) The world's record on oppressing ethnic and native populations is pretty ridiculous, so it isn't just Israel that is guilty of bad behaviour. So while it isn't unfair to criticize Israel for what it does, singleing them out without pointing out the same behavior in neighboring countries does border on anti-semitism.


    There is a simple bottom line here. All parties need to help de-fuse and demilitarize this part of the middle east. As long as Iran is developing nuclear weapons and Syria and other countries arm and support Hamas, Fatah and Hezbollah and other factions, then Israel is under no obligation to do the same.


    Rather than this being the start of WWIII, this is just the continuation of the same old shit really.





    Well said....you can trace a lot of this shit back to 1916 with the adoption of the (then) secret Sykes-Picot agreement (check it out on google or Wikipedia). Of course Jew-Arab tensions have been strained for millenia, but this nice little carve up of the Middle East by France and Britan certainly has done a lot to produce bad vibes over there.

  9. Papelbon is probably the best closer in the AL East, but to be the league MVP, a closer has to do some pretty amazing things. I mean, compare a closer (generally 1 inning per appearance, and not appearing in every game) to a solid starter (6-9 innings per appearance) or position player (generally a full game, every game). In order for that one inning every couple games to make that pitcher the MVP, it would have to be one of the all time greatest performances for a reliever over the course of a season. It's happened before, but it's rare, and in order for it to happen this year, there would have to be a lack of every day players who are having MVP caliber seasons, which is not the case this year.



    Very true

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