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Posts posted by darkstar

  1. The worst sting I ever got was from a Portuguese Man-of-War.



    That is One hell of a nasty sting right there. People have been zapped so bad from those things they end up drowning. The venom in their stinger can still mess you up even after the animal is dead.

  2. Six months ago, a close friend of mine suffered a terrible personal tragedy. His tragedy can't match the scope of what happened five years ago, but his grief was every bit as enormous as those widows'. This weekend, I attended his son's fifth birthday party, and in a couple of months, I'll be attending his wedding. Life does go on, and sometimes getting on with your life can be the healthiest thing in the world. You have no idea what kind of personal grief those women went through, and probably continue to go through.


    Edit: posted before I saw M.Chris' post.



    Yeah, your absolutely right.. you can't put a time limit on that kind of thing. To me though it just seemed very shallow and callous. But that's my opinion. I'm a pretty loyal kind of guy and it just seemed they were so blase' about it. But hey, if it gets them through it then good for them. Not judging, just saying it is my perception about it.

  3. Anyone else have that weird feeling that it's hard to believe that happened 5 years ago, and then one second later it's hard to believe it wasn't just yesterday? Very odd.....It's such a strange and surreal feeling 9-11 gives me.


    Mostly I can't imagine the anguish and pain that the various widows, friends, relatives, etc of the victims must be still going through. Then I get angry, that the damn thing happened at all.


    A couple days ago they were showing a group of 5 women who were widowed that day. I found myself watching and feeling quite sad for them. Then about half-way through the piece I started getting pissed. These women formed a club to help them get through their ordeal, but as the years progressed it (the show) started showing them going off on lavish vacations and this and that. Of course as the 5 years have rolled on they have all gotten re-married and all that. That in and of itself does not bother me, but the way they were talking about it did. I know you have to get on with your life and it isn't good or healthy to obsess on the past but the way these women were going on just seemed to me they had just written off their former husbands and had just said screw it I'm gonna have fun now.


    Again I understand people deal with grief in different ways and I'm not condeming them. It just seemed that these women appeared to be so "over" it. I dunno just my perception. I would imagine I would probably not handle such a thing with any kind of dignity. Would probably stick my head in a Whiskey bottle and just drown there. It just struck me as if they were saying, well fuck it, your dead and I'm gonna go get mine. To me they came of very sleazy. Just my opinion. The whole fucking mess is still confusing even after 5 years. This country still has a lot of healing to do.

  4. Well, there are a few games left to play. Roster expansion starts today, too. Ortiz is slated to be back in the line up as early as tomorrow. Varitek soon. Wakefield soon. Manny soon.

    Although the team has obviously struggled mightily the past month (injuries and bullpen woes) I see no reason the Sox can't make up some lost ground from their worst slump in the last 2 years. They certainly don't look like post-season contenders at this point, but I'm a believer that things can turn around rather quickly in baseball.


    I'd like to see the Sox at least make up enough ground to get the Wildcard spot. It's possible. Slim odds, but possible.



    Yeah, anything can happen I guess but I just don't think the pitching is there. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a big win streak and NY loose say 10 in a row but..... Hey I'm a die-hard but you have to accept the reality that the Sox are all but mathmatically eliminated. I'll keep hoping though.

  5. As well as the fact that Wells was actually pitching pretty decent his last few starts and one of the few bright spots (unfortunately) in the starting rotation.



    Right on. It's like the Globe said this morning. Trading Wells is a clear indication the Sox have officially given up on 2006.


    I hate to see Boomer go. I liked the guy and he was pitching pretty well, but if it goes down and we get that kid from SD-the catcher that will work great too. 'Tek is getting old and we will be needing a good catcher in the next couple of years. That said, I say don't bother bringing back Varitek from injury, let him play just a few games and get some at bats but let him rest the last month. There is no point to him playing now. He's getting old for a catcher and this time off now may pay dividends next year. I see no reason to rush him back in. The Sox are out of the race (as much as it pains me to admit).

  6. He responded nicely.

    Well, only one of them knows what he's doing. And it's not Francona. Because he's pretty terrible at his job.



    Gotta disagree with your Francona comment. The guy is doing fairly well with absolutely no players. Whats he gonna do? Everyone is injured or fucked up. It amazes me he can scratch a line-up outta the broken pieces. If anyone is to blame I'd pin it on Theo. He did shit this year. He dismantled a championship team from 2 years ago, had that ridiculous off season last winter, made no significant moves this year before the deadline. Sheeesh. At least the owner and manager of the Sox aren't having a public spat. ( Sorry had to put that cheap shot in there)


    Now get back to your studies....or are you still in e-vac mode down there?

  7. so what should i do??



    Find a woman that won't get all put out when you go on a binge, or deal with the fact that if you want this one you can't do fun things like booze it up, gamble, etc, etc.


    Seriously, give up that stuff because you know it's gonna cause a rift or decide that your gonna do what you damn well please and it's gonna bring the pain. Sounds like you can't win either way. You give up the things that you like and there will always be resentment towards her because you will be blaming her for taking all your fun away. You keep doing stuff then she's pissed off all the time. It's a loose-loose proposition. Consider you may not be right for each other. Sorry man...not what you want to hear surely...just my opinion. What the fuck do I know about this stuff?

  8. Yeah, that's funny. I have no affiliation with anyone you mentioned, and I am receiving no perks whatsoever. My only bias and/or motivation is that a) I'm from Knoxville and B) Jeff is a friend of mine and c) I wanted to turn some people on to some good music. Believe it or not, some people are genuinely enthusiastic about music and want to share it with others, no strings attached. I don't know why I wasted so much time on this post when people like you just want to be pricks about it.



    Uh....OK. You gotta admit it did seem a little spammy. But I'll take the highroad, sorry if it came off that way (me being a prick), was just posting an honest opinion at the time.


    1,000 pardons :) Hope all is well out in the eastern part of our fair state.


    And I think you got it right about Nashville. The local music scene here pretty much sucks.

  9. Alright - that just weirded me out a bit. That paragraph described my night last night exactly except for the LP part. The couch, the dimmed lights, the bad wine, the wife.


    I was floored by the experience. Nothing is as good as sitting on the couch with the lights dimmed (cant hurt the eyes if you want the ears to work) listening to Mr. Z. So many emotions listening. At one point, I got a little nostalgic and sad that I probably dont have many more chances to do this with a Mr Z release.


    How does he DO that with his voice? I will never understand people that dont like his voice. His voice and the emotion it conveys are as complex as any lyric he's written. His voice is just getting better and better. Damn Bob. How does he do it?



    Your dead on with that thought about his voice...give you chills. The way he sings the chorus in workingman's blues damn.....that raspy, rattled way he does it. Fuck all the naysayers I love the album dammit...everyones a critic. Sometimes you just like stuff 'cause it makes you feel good.

  10. I still like the first performance (2006.06.28) best, because that was more about guitar freakout than piano clunkyness. :whoo


    Guess you know where my vote is.



    I hear ya, the 7-16-06 version isn't clunky at all though. Just some nice soft little piana riffs...anyways...a pretty good guitar freakout at the end on this version as well. No matter what it's a great tune.

  11. Its just different strokes for different folks. I have a sort of ritual that I like to go through ... getting home, ripping open the CD (usually before my jacket is off) and popping in the CD. Then sitting down on the couch with the liner notes while I have my first listen. Its always the whole album straight through to get an overall feel for the album as a whole. Then I go back to pick out individual songs or listen more closely to lyrics.


    Not to mention there is something fun about having the album burning a hole in my bag on the way home. Or the way I walk into the record store with one mission -- a direct line to the new releases. There is no normal lollygagging and browsing. I am all biz. Then, picking it off the shelf like its got an unreleased energy to it... Like I dont know what is on that disc, but I have a feeling its something that will be with me for a very long time. The artifact itself and the music burned onto it.


    Its just a ritual that I've had since I was a kid. I think that listening pre-release would deprive me of these things... And you have to think that I wont have many more chances to run out at lunchtime (like I just did) with a skip in my step knowing that I am going to get Bob Dylan's new album. Its already burning a hole in my bag.



    Well......don't get too excited about liner notes ('cause there pretty much ain't any)


    Otherwise, you'll love it. I got mine yesterday (ordered from Bob's web site). It's pretty great. I won't spoil it for you though. Track #6 seems to be my favorite so far "Workingman's Blues #2"


    Have listened through it twice and like I said it's great. Throw it on when ya get home, crack a beer (or 3) and enjoy!

  12. I have been watching the Sox long enough to know that they are going to have one last push where they look good for about a week and they get our hopes up before dashing them again.


    Unless of course Big Papi's irregular heartbeat finishes him for the season ...



    That's some scarry shit there, the irregular heartbeat thing. I hope he is fine...not just to play again, but in general. Looks like we gotta wait until '07. The houase of cards has fallen down. Injuries, no pitching, no offense right now......that and Manny is on his "Manny Holding Boston Hostage Tour" (as called by The Globe)


    Ah well.....football is coming up Love the Sawx but any illusion of them going to the post-season and doing well are now shattered

  13. Hey I'm sorry to jump in here but I have to say that some of these are really good. I just convinced my band yesterday to change our name and we're giving ourselves a week to come up with a new one.


    I'm assuming that anyone throwing out names is cool if someone actually uses it?



    Contact the lawyers....gotta pay up man!

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