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Posts posted by darkstar

  1. You gotta wonder what this idiot is thinking. My theory is that the Thai's were gonna bust his ass for something and he figured he needed a quick way outta there so he confesses to the Ramsey murder.


    Better to be locked up in the U.S. then in a Thai prison....anyway....what a freak

  2. I wonder if that shit has been going on for ever or if you just hear about it more these days. Hell go to fark.com or thesmokinggun.com and it's like they have a mug shot of the week for that......


    I went to one of those old fashioned New England prep schools and trust me, there were no female teachers I would have wanted to bone....the youngest was like 50 at the time and very school-marmish.


    We had one of those incidents here recently in TN. The idiot got probation and then got busted the next week emailing the kid raunchy videos and such. I wonder what her husband was thinking. Here you have a really good looking wife and shes cheating on you with a 13 year old. Gotta be good for the old psyche eh?

  3. Lycra Hell


    The Stain Says Hot (The Cloth Says Not)


    Deckchair Mishap


    Educated Left Foot


    Slalom Wipeout


    My Wounded Bride


    Heading For Offal


    Intermittent Showers


    The Komissars


    My Dad Was In The Stasi


    Devoutly Agnostic


    I Remain Sceptical


    The Iconoclasts


    Neil and the Seeds of Destruction


    After Hours Romance


    "My Dad Was In The Stasi" fucking hillarious..........That one would get my vote


    Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit

  4. be careful in overlooking the sugardores of vanderbilt. they are a feisty crew.


    nah......they won't do shit, not in the SEC anyway. They get no support here either. You know how Nashvegas is...the HS teams get more coverage. Last year when they started out great they got a lot of attention, then as they flopped the coverage went away. 'Ol Hope Hines and the rest just keep kissing UT's ass and the rest gets pushed back behind the NASCAR stories.

  5. I needed to watch it again, but I was sleeping and couldn't keep my eyes open. I always have to watch an episode more than once to get every little nuance of the language.


    I still have my contingent plan of protest to dress like Jane, get wasted on Maker's and take a huge dump in front of HBO studios. the husband will be working at the one in Chelsea on Monday, so, I think I'll start there.




  6. How about.......


    Mythical Ethical Tricycle


    Dr. Mengele and The Vivisectionists


    Hot Beef Injection


    The Slurs


    The Guttersluts


    I dunno just randomly spitting out crap....sadly laughing like an ass as I do this...I think I need help or some serious prozac or something

  7. Sad, Sad, Sad, Sad........


    Fucking New York just swept. I can't fathom that. You gotta go back almost 30 years to the Original Boston Massacre back in 78.


    Obviously the bull pen collapsed (has been most of this season) but damn. Wells pitched great ( 8 plus innings) today but bring in Foulke and what does he do? Fires a wild pitch that gives the Yankees a 2-0 lead. I'll go to the end of the season with the boys, but it looks like it's time to stick a fork in it.


    Jesus, if it was anyone else but New York........... :yucky

  8. I listen to Obama's podcast from time to time and he has his head screwed on much straighter than most politicians, especially when it comes to understanding technology.



    Yeah? well.......I just can't stand it anymore. I'm tired of hearing them on the news, reading stuff online or in a paper. I am completely disgusted with all politicians in this country. You name it, from the local level here in Nashville, to the state level, to the national level..............


    OK I'm back had to go get a blood pressure cuff.........shit, we need Mr Smith to go back to Washington I guess.....

  9. I agree with you on all counts.



    Obama? He's just another politician...they are all crooked. I did like his speech on conservation, and not being dependent on foreign oil, etc, etc...then you see him leaving the venue in a giganto SUV....nice. This guy will say anything to get elected and then rake evryone over the coals once in office


    Just another self-serving, gonna feed at the trough politician who will quickly sell what little he has of his soul left to ensure another term or further advancement of his political goals.


    Sorry for the vent but ALL of these jackasses are pissing me of. Democrat, Republican alike. And no I have no answers....shit maybe we need some kind of junta or something I dunno

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