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Posts posted by Sandoz

  1. I think people have started to miss the point. It's about enjoying your night hanging out with Jeff. That's what you paid for. Not to host a show with perfect sound and a flawless set so everyone else in the world can listen to it later. That's why Wilco plays concerts. That's why Jeff does solo shows. This is meant to be different. Everyone's so anxious about getting a perfect recording, but can you imagine how different (slash awesome) the shows would be if they weren't taped? (Not that Jeff holds back much when he's on the record anyway ;) ) I guess I'm not really sure where I'm going with this...all I'm saying is I love the recordings, but I'd be okay with the LR shows being a taper-free experience too, and I think many people would be surprised at how much more they would enjoy that kind of show


    i agree with you

  2. Really?!?! Cue Johnny Carson voice: "I did not know that." Like I said, I'm not hip to the actual names behind the screen names. Apologies for bringing this up then.


    I respectfully disagree with the idea of certain shows being only accessable to certain people, but if them's the rules, them's the rules.


    this is a particularly ironically funny post. srmt *loves* johnny carson.

    i have attended a few of the LR shows, and i can't even listen to the recordings. we all sound like a bunch of rowdy annoying drunks. oh wait... :brow

  3. I am already looking at their tour schedule to fit in another show or two this summer.

    I want to invite the Avett Brothers to my front porch for a few beers and strawberry pie. They seem like such nice guys!

    Tamala, WTF with this Canada trip?!?!?! It better be a good one!

  4. While in New Orleans last month, I ran into Glenn at Cafe Du Monde (yum). He said "... I hope you didn't come all the way here hoping to hear songs from the new record!" because the band had decided not to play anything from the new album until it was released in June.


    Now that it's leaked and streaming, I guess they have changed their mind. Looks like a slow trickle of new ones, but maybe they will still refrain from the majority until it's officially released?

  5. I went to the first night of the Portland shows on Friday. I really had no idea how fucking amazing these guys are, especially live. I have Emotionalism which I really really like, but I was completely floored. It was one of those shows when you suddenly have a warm feeling in your heart, look around the room and notice that everyone is having the best time EVER, and you just soak all the goodness that great music does to your soul. I havent experienced that for a really long time, maybe not since the Wilco shows at Otto's when Jeff just came out of rehab, or maybe the Wilco show at Iriving Plaza around the same time. They are one of the best shows out there right now. I am mildly obsessed at the moment

  6. It is a baseball stadium so I would stay out of the field (GA) area. I don't think he would be too keen on being right in the thick of the crowd and seeing some of the negative responses, I really wouldn't want him near those people anyway...If I could easily spot the kid-friendly fans, I would gravitate toward them so where a nametag if you go saying "Kid Friendly"


    Understanding a typical 8-year old antsy-ness, I would stay in the seats where we would have some space and he could walk up and down the row of the seats yet still be able to see a clear view of the stage. Would also be in a spot with easy access to the bathroom. If he gets more comfortable as the show goes on, maybe try and move down a bit...I also wouldn't go with the mindset that I'm staying for the whole show...


    your plan sounds great. as long as you accept the facts that (1) you cant be up front or in the crowds (2) you have to be prepared to leave if your kid requires it (3) you must also be respectful of those around you without kids, you will have a great time.


    some venues are definitely more kid-friendly than others; an outdoor ballpark in the summertime sounds like a perfect venue. my kids go to concerts often, but only if i think it will be a fun and safe environment...and they are only 2 and 4 yrs old.

  7. I propose you keep this thread open, based on the awesomeness of this song :dancing .

    It's by far my favorite track on the album (at the moment, I guess). I really love Glen's skillz on this one.

    I can't wait to hear One Wing in person. Cant make it to southern Oregon, but just booked a family trip to Red Rocks

  8. I feel like the fact it's called Wilco (The Album) is pretty adequate. If I had to describe this to anyone I'd say it's Wilco's entire career packed into one album. There's some of the sonic weirdness, some of the structural weirdness, some of the lyrical genius, some of the fun, some of the pop, some of the country-ish tendencies.


    that's a nice comment about this record. totally agree!

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