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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. pffft. this is NY, bitch. unless you give the old bag a shot to ribs on her way to the ground you're just a pussy.
  2. they could have lost one of those series. they could have just as easily shit the bed against the angels. with santana it would be really really unlikely that they could lose a five or seven game series. Schilling would be a #5 in that rotation.
  3. it's true. but that team still wasn't unbeatable. add santana though...
  4. huh. I had thought the reports were really strong that it was a done deal. All that whining that boston was unbeatable gone to waste.
  5. I've been underground it seems. How did the boston/twin's deal fall apart?
  6. wow. What's going on here? We need a VC version of VH1 behind the music.
  7. you change your posts so much every time I open a thread it's like a new party.
  8. pffft. I'd let M. (hris diddle me with her iBuzz.
  9. I think the Yankees are more than one pitcher away from being able to really win. Personally I'd rather see them suck for a year or two.
  10. In all fairness, people were also calling for the execution of the 'don't tase me, bro' dude (who now has a commercial in his honor (or dishonor)). Loud folks don't necessarily always equal actual public sentiment. She got a pardon so maybe the chief muckity-muck there fears jesus, or an air strike.
  11. wow. I can't believe I dragged spawn into the city to see it. $6.95 though....sheesh
  12. actually, that's bullshit. I endorsed a particular dead horse smilie which, like many things, you took in a way to suit your particular slant on the world. I am historically I am a devout 'let threads run their course' proponent. lets not forget you're the guy who quit the board and then lurked until you found a convenient way back in.
  13. is that stick seriously shoved that far up your ass? for a guy with such a hard on for posting on the internet one would think you'd be more adept at detecting sarcasm.
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