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Spawn's dad

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Everything posted by Spawn's dad

  1. leaving a trailer full of gear in a parking lot in long island city isn't really the best idea. i'm sure any other solution is a huge hassle, but that's not exactly the place to leave your stuff unguarded.
  2. I'll be driving through your fair haven again this weekend on the way to things cooler and hopefully drier.
  3. you know, if you encourage this guy your BF is gonna pop a blood vessel
  4. irrelevant ultimately. I'd say his ability to grab that MVP will largely (and sadly) hinge upon Mo's health. Not sure what today's MRI is about, but with Mo so go any hope the Yankees have.
  5. I have to admit to being happy I didn't know that
  6. is that WfAN mad dog? jesus dude, he's not the guy to be quoting to bolster an argument
  7. what happened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas
  8. yeah but what you don't see is the GF out of frame about to club him with a hunk of driftwood
  9. not in ac or vegas, but the indians got that as part of the settlement
  10. I'm guessing the triplicate thing was an accident
  11. dude that's messed up to insinuate that because ms. couric has a normal figure that she isn't qualified to read the news
  12. they actually do overnights there, though not in this session. we got to the zoo about an hour before in opened and it's pretty darn cool walking around the place and not seeing another human being
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