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Gobias Industries

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Posts posted by Gobias Industries

  1. 61Sh1-S61XL._SL500_AA280_.jpg


    I may be braving the Luxe and Reduxe portion too. It's just that the Luxe and Reduxe portion is sooooooo loooooong...not that I don't fucking love Pavement, but 2.3 hrs is hard to get through in a sitting. I might have to come back to the Luxe/Reduxe portion later.


    I caught Up in 3D recently, and whilst the impression of a bit more depth in the film, I found it all ultimately unnecessary. And by that, I mean it didn't add anything of significance that furthered the storytelling that I wouldn't have got from the 2D version. I'm a 'if it's not broke don't fix it' type of guy, so I'm kinda hoping this trend doesn't take off.


    I don't think 3D will ever become necessary. It's too much of a gimmick and unless something REALLY changes it just doesn't add enough to the experience to be worthwhile. But I'm quoting this because Up! was a fantastic movie. The first ten minutes of that movie are some of the poignant scenes I've ever seen in a movie.

  3. To be fair to Mind Games, that's the one I've listened to the least. I've never thought about it in that way. It'll probably grow on me as I listen to it more. Maybe I'll listen to it when I get home.


    I will agree though, Walls & Bridges is pretty bad.

  4. If you're really going to do this whole 3-disc shenanigans, you might as well just give someone three of the actual records of your choice. Like BT+YHF+ST, YHF+ST+AGIB, etc. etc.


    Each album has each element you've identified, so it seems senseless to separate them.

  5. You make a Phoenix pun in the thread description and don't include them?!? :stunned


    In no real order, tried to limit one per artist:


    Animal Collective - My Girls

    Phoenix - 1901

    Dirty Projectors - Stillness Is The Move

    Girls - Lust For Life

    Passion Pit - Sleepyhead

    Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks

    Wilco - One Wing

    The Flaming Lips - Watching the Planets

    Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse - Just War (feat. Gruff Rhys), Daddy's Gone (feat. Nina Persson and Mark Linkous)

    The Rural Alberta Advantage - Don't Haunt This Place


    I'll add more later, I haven't thought about it a lot, actually.

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